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Hii lovelies!!

I know I broke my promise but what can I do when my real life was becoming so hectic day by day. I don't even have enough time to write and think too. Just try to understand my suitation.

And guys...I really feeling so happy when you people were asking for updates. It's a wonderful feeling when someone likes your story too much and was asking you to update just because they were so curious to know what will happen next.

Wow..guys...I am in joy ...and guys..even though I don't have time still I have updated for you all by making sometime for my readers to not to disappoint you all anymore.


Hasna pov:

As we are going to our sweet home in utter silence, the puppy face he gave me in the morning was still flashing in front of my eyes which caused me to look at his hunky face.

The water droplets were rolling from his bangs to the side of his temple and slowly it reached to the side of his neck making my lips wet due to the temptation feeling which he was causing in my pit of stomach.

Suddenly, I got flinched hearing the loud sound of a thunder making me come out of my Wolfy's world.

Hearing my squeak, my Elli parked the car aside in worry for me.

"Are you ok, gigglemug?" My Elli asked me in which caused me to look at him in with a sweet smile at the caring he was showing on me.

"Hmm..yeah..I'm fine..Elli...I just wanted to have an icecream while dreanching in rain at the beach. So, will you take me to the beach?" I asked him giving my best puppy eyes to him.

My Elli glanced at me and slowly his eyes travelled all over my body casing me to fidget in my place whereas his eyes became dark with lustful eyes.

I gulped looking at his eyes...my heart started beating violently. Goosebumps started to erupt on my skin along with the butterflies which were wandering in the pit of my stomach.

"E-l-li" I stuttered in low tone while fidgetting in my place by breaking the eye contact with him as his lustful eyes were making me feel uncomfortable.

My Wolfy didn't respond and from the corner of my eyes, I saw my Elli's eyes wandaring on my body which was making me more tremendious.

That's when I realised, we both were dreanched in rain and my clothes were sticking to my skin like a leech which was attracting him.

"Why the hell did you wear this stupid crop top today?"

An agitated voice came from his mouth causing me to flinch at his voice.

Wetting my lips in anxiousness and shy, I tried to speak but before I did, I felt like something fell on my head.

"Wear it!!" My Elli Chastised me with a glare.

I, in return scowled at him. I mean, drenching in rain was not my mistake because rain is unpredictable, right?

We don't know when it rains. So, it's rain's mistake not mine and added to that...he was the one who took me there without an umbrella.

"Idiot!!" I muttered under my breath.

"I heard it" He growled at me same like an wolf.

"I said it loud so that you could hear me" I repiled sassily while wearing the jacket.

Long gone his lustful eyes because it was replaced with an annoying eyes due to my sarcasm.


My Elli snorted at my comment yet didn't utter a single arrogant word from his mouth for the first time.

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