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Friendship day special...Early update..😍


Hasna pov:

classes went on..

After classes, we went back to hostel. I engrossed myself in my class mostly in Elli as soon as I came to our room.

After my classs got ended...I plugged out my earphones from my ears.

As soon as I did...my ears got welcomed with full of profanities from Nina.

"I will kill that shithead of a bitch" Nina cursed.

"who the fucking hell she is tell us what to wear nd what to paint our nails & all"

"she is fucking kidding us. Who in the right mind will wear those crap"

Nina was continuing her cursing, mainly Aashi...nd pari was listening to all her blabberings where as urvi & Deepa were smiling playfully at us.

I shook my head nd shut down my laptop nd took my backpack ready to finish my assignment while listening to their cursing & rantings.

After two hours I completed all my works. We went to had our dinner nd came back to our room where as all my friends are busy in cursing them.

"Nina, stop it nd apply some oil to my hair" I said ignoring her fury.

It's not like I'm not angry at seniors mainly Aashi but what can we do. As a fresher, we can't do anything in this matter.

I wish I got a fever so that I can skip college tomorrow but who am i kidding.

I'm not that lucky to have fever suddenly to bunk the class.

Huff...I'm behaving like a child.

"I'm busy in cursing them. Don't disturb me smiley" nina replied.

"Are you guys really wearing what they said" urvi asked us with amusement.

"There is no choice for us" pari shrugged.

"I have yellow color nailpaint, if you you guys want I can give you" urvi said cheerfully.

"ha, give us. I don't have it anyway" Nina said gritting her teeth.

Urvi went to her cabinet nd searched for it nd finally found it. She handed the nailpaint to Nina & pari.

They both are busy in applying that yellow color nailpaint.

When ever I look at that yellow. I felt like puking..nd I also remember one thing from my childhood nd laughed out loud.

"What's so funny" nina enraged.

I giggled more by looking at her perfectly shaped nails which are now covered with yellow paint.

Haha..all were looking at me like i had grown two heads..😂

"N-nothing, did you remember a poem from our childhood" i asked all the four persons.

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