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Hasna pov:

We were in food section enjoying the appetizing dishes which was filled with various types of luscious desserts nd all in my plate without any space.

This was the best meal which I had after spending my life in hostel because daily we ate what that hostel chef serve us like sambar dal & all but here there is a veg biryani combination with paneer butter masla curry, Gulab jamun, potato wedges, baby corn fry...

What not..the list goes on...if I continue...

"This was a divine meal that I can compare to ambrosia, the food of god & goddess that I would higly recommend to my family" I said grinning widely at my friends.

Nina pov:

As we are having our scrumpitious meal while rejoicing the food. I saw cabir sir coming towards us with a cocky smile on his cute face along with his friends except Daksh sir who stood too far away from us nd was smoking while gritting his teeth by clenching his jaw.

I was observing him from the time my giggling baby ramp walked on the stage in that newspaper dress from then he was all blazing with anger nd sending glares at her. And not to forgot how his eyes shined with twinkle when he capture her in his arms in the morning. I even took photo of them secretly.

My poor giggling baby doesn't know about anything nd was busy in enjoying the delicious food happily.

"This was a divine meal that I can compare to ambrosia, the food of god & goddess that I would higly recommend to my family" Smiley aka giggling baby said grinning widely us.

Not knowing that cabir sir nd his batch was standing at her back from last 5min.

"oh...so our close up loved the food" Aashi mam said smirking.

Mean while cabir sir aka my dear curly fry came a little near me nd wispered huskily..

"you look stunning baby"

My heart beat quickened at his proximity. I shivered at his mere touch while my whole body became so hot. I blushed at him nd he gave his charming smile to me for which I always flat for him.

Pari pov:

My eyes are wandering for someone. And that someone is my fiance...my Rishi.

He walked towards us nd stood infront of me with his hands dug deep inside his pockets while his gaze
remained on me.

He moved a little closer to me nd held my hand in his nd said..

"come with me" he wispered.

I shook my head as no..

"They won't caught us as my batch will engage your friends" Rishi said looking straight into my eyes.

I don't want to make him sad...so I nodded my head nd slowly slipped away from there to where I don't know.

After a long walk...he took me to a secluded place nd looked at me with so much love & worry.

"Now..will you care to tell me, why that pretty face is sad? what is running in your mind baby" Rish asked me by holding my both hands in his gently.

"Nothing...I'm not sad Rish...i'm fine" i tittered.

"seriously do you think I believe you when i know you like an open book pari..i know you are trying to show that happy face to everyone but i'm not blind"Rishi said in serious tone.


"It's about deepa right" he asked me making me gulp nervously.


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