𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 3

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(Forgot my babyboy's aesthetic yesterday, so here it is

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(Forgot my babyboy's aesthetic yesterday, so here it is. Anyways...proceed☀️)

• • •

"Are you only going to stand there and watch the princess dress?" Gloria asked the silent knight in the corner.

He lowered his eyes.

She sighed, "The lack of decency in you men."

I looked at myself in the mirror, "Perhaps he is doing so to protect me, Gloria."

She shook her head, "Unacceptable. He's in this room. What more could happen if he simply has his eyes off of you for a moment."

"Why doesn't he speak?" I asked her.

"You haven't heard? He is the silent wraith. The hero of dark wars. The meer sound of his voice could destroy a man."

"Then why is my uncle having him watch over me if he's so dangerous?"

She placed the woven head piece in my hair, "Perhaps because he's an expert."

I looked back at the mirror to see the man was looking at me again as Gloria started to sew on the back of your dress. I had kept silent about it. For some reason he seemed like the most trustworthy out of anyone in this castle.

Once Gloria had finished up the last touches, she stood back, "Wow...amazing. Whomever you choose will be a very proud husband indeed."

"I am not looking for a husband."

She moved a curl out of my face, "Then look for a friend, princess."

I blinked and she hugged me, "Do your best. I'll be rooting for you from the sidelines."

It was rare of her to give me any kind of physical embrace. I brought my arms around her, surprised, "I'll um...try."

"That's all I ask," she backed away and bowed. "You are free. The knight will escort you."

I nodded and went to the door, Adonis already opening it for me before I could reach the knob.

Gloria went over and fixed one of the suit pockets of his coat. She had him redress as well.

He nodded at her and put a hand out for me to proceed.

• • •

"We are alone now," I whispered to the knight.

He said nothing.

I sighed, "Do you hate me, Sir Adonis?"

He remained silent and I took a good look at him. His expression was so stoic. His lips formed a fine line and his eyes were always stuck in an intense gaze.

It had to kill him inside somehow to not speak. So why didn't he?

"Are you afraid I'll fear you? Because I don't. I fear no one."

When I didn't receive a response, I rolled my eyes, "So stubborn."

I had approached the large dining room and I took a deep breath. I was most definitely late. Everyone locked their eyes on me, their food had been untouched.

How embarrassing, I thought, but maybe this would make the princes like me less. I almost smirked.

All of the princes stood and bowed.

"Please be seated. I am sorry for your wait," I told them, but I was nowhere near sorry.

They sat and I went to go sit at my reserved seat at the end of the table.

Adonis had pulled out the chair for me and I smoothed my dress down before sitting and being pushed closer. He left the scene to watch me from the shadows.

It was so silent, and I stared down at my plate. I could feel my mother's piercing glare on me.

My father cleared his throat and stood, "Everyone. I would like to thank you all for traveling far to meet my wonderful daughter, and even more thanks for your patience. She is deeply sorry."

I clenched my fists in my dress and my brother, beside me, put a hand on my wrist to stop me.

I really wanted to go off on these people. Why were they choosing my words for me? Why did I have to do any of this? Was this just to maintain a title...a title I wasn't wanting anyway?

"A toast to love and the future," my father finished and held up his golden cup before sitting down again.

My eyes saddened.

Enrian looked over at me.
We both were only a year apart but he felt so much like a twin to me. He always seemed to know how to approach me in these moments.

"At least the food is delicious, yeah?" he asked to light up the mood.

I looked back at him, giggling, "You're such a goof."

Kyle, in front of me, was watching my smile, "Princess, would you like to take a walk with me after dinner by the fountain?"

I almost said no but my brother nudged my leg with his knee, and I groaned.

"Sure," I said, smiling the best I could.

I looked past his shoulder to see Adonis far away against the wall, staring at me as usual.

Even though the man never spoke, he was grabbing my interests more than any of these princes.

Just how dangerous could one man be?

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