𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 51

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Adonis looked at my lifeless body and picked me up as he stood, going the opposite way of which we both came.

He carried me to where Lionis laid and placed me on the ground beside him.

He sat there and looked at us both.

He had never loved before.

He had never even experienced a loss as close as this.

He'd trade his voice to have me.

He needed me.

I was his purpose, and with me being gone, he was unsure what to live for.

He hugged his knees to his chest and cried. Even though the scar was gone, a never-ending pain elevated in his throat.

He could finally scream, but he wasn't sure how. He just held his chest and let the tears flow.

He might as well have remained mute because as hard as he wept, he couldn't utter a word.

● ● ●

I rose up, finding that I was sitting on the surface of water, surrounded by white light.

I heard a forceful hum and looked right in front of me.

Adonis was sitting there.

He waved.

My eyes widened, "Where are we Adonis?"

"I-I-I d-don..." he stopped midway and frowned.

I smiled and I couldn't help the tears that rolled down my cheeks.

His voice was low like hushed waves and soft as dandelions. I never wanted to forget it.

He was so beautiful.

I grabbed his hands, mouthing slowly, "Say donnnt."


I giggled and nodded, "Don't."

He studied my lips, "Don't."

"Good job!"

A vibration came from his throat and he was almost frightened.

"It's alright Adonis. It's just a laugh."


I snorted uncontrollably, "Yes."

He began to chuckle, and I loved it.

His ignorance allowed him to not hold anything back.

He was the truest man I've ever met.

I stood up on the water and he watched the white dress around my figure flow elegantly.


I blinked, "Hm?"

He blushed and signed, 'Pretty.'

I reached out my hand and he stood.

"Don't be shy. Say it again."

"Pretty..." he whispered.

I looked into his delicate sapphire eyes before bringing his forehead to my lips, "There you go."

He smiled when he rose up and my hand traveled to his cheek slowly. He tilted his head as he closed his eyes, bringing me closer by the hips into that same careful hug he gave me the night of the ball.

I never felt so alive.

There was this one thing he has always wanted to say aloud...and now that he could, he would.

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