𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 5

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I stood worriedly in the hallway, wishing to not be seen by anyone. "Sir Adonis...do you believe one of them is actually right for me?"

I looked towards the opposite side of the hallway to see he nodded.

"Was hoping you wouldn't say yes," I whined.

He pointed his head towards the grand room and I saw Aaron talking to the other princes.

I shook my head quickly and he nodded in response.

"Ugh! Fine whatever."

I fixed my posture and went over to the group of young men.

"Oh, hi princess," August smiled.
"Must be here for you Aaron boy," Kyle grinned.

Aaron pointed towards himself, "You both are just going to let her have me?"

They both smiled knowingly.

"Of course," August said.

"Well I'll be damned," Aaron bowed, "at your service princess."

I nodded, "Follow me."

I held in a laugh as I looked at the other two princes. They were both cackling like idiots.

Kyle winked and August mouthed, 'Let him down softly.'

I could only try.

Just how exactly would I reject this final prince?

• • •

We both had walked to the garden and sat on a bench.

Aaron's emerald eyes sparkled at me, a bit of his sandy hair falling over his eyebrows, "Well princess, the other princes seemed to selflessly throw you my way. Does this mean you've decided?"

"Not quite," I took a deep breath.

"Then if not them or me, who?"

No one...just myself, I thought.

I looked at him, "You don't find any of these arrangements fast or strange? I have only known your name for the past six hours."

"Yes...I get your point," he looked up at the sky, "but this is traditional, you know? Love can follow afterwards."

"Sickening," I whispered.

He narrowed his eyes, "My apologies. I've just always wanted a wife. It sometimes gets lonely being a prince. I can't always have who I want simply because of my title and their rules."

I sighed softly, "I understand."

He looked towards me, "So you'll marry me?"

I stood, "I will not. Though I agree with your reason, I can not follow through with this."

He looked dumbfounded.

"I have understood you, prince Aaron, please do me the least bit of favor of understanding me."

He clenched his fists in his lap, a tear dropping to his lap, "I've come all this way...for love...for you. For nothing..."

I felt a ping in my chest. "I am sorry. I won't ask for your forgiveness. Just know you have a future awaiting you. Love has no time, nor a direction. It will choose you if you're willing to long for it. Please continue to have hope. Good night."

He stared at the ground and I walked away, Adonis following close behind.

• • •

I placed a hand to my heart as I walked back into the castle. "Did I do the right thing?"

Adonis nodded once.

My father approached me and I gulped.

"My sweet butterfly!" he scooped me up and spun me around.

"Ow dad! You're crushing me!"

He set me down and laughed, "Oh come on! Did you have fun?"

I didn't.

"Yes," I smiled.

He looked towards the knight and Adonis bowed his head.

"What are you doing around my daughter, Adonis?"

Adonis rose his head and started moving his hands in symbols.
He was using sign language?!

He wasn't deaf for sure.
Was he mute..?

My father rubbed his chin, "I see..."

Adonis placed his hands back behind him and my father let out a rather sad sigh.

"Lessi...go to your room."

I blinked at his sudden request, "What?"

"Go. Now."

That scary look returned in his eyes. The color they were was very rare within people of this kingdom. Constantly going from a red hue to gold... no one knew why.

I didn't even know about the scar beneath his eye, but I knew better not to question it.

I bowed my head, "Yes father."

As I walked past some of the knights, they started cheering, but were quickly silenced when they saw Adonis.

The more I was around him, the more curious I became as to why people were so afraid.

He couldn't speak. He hasn't harmed me. Yet he had such an effect, one of which I wished I had on others.

• • •

"Did you find any of them worthy to wed?" Gloria asked as she untied my dress.

"I'm so unsure Gloria. They were all such nice men and they had their purposes. I am beginning to think that I am the actual problem. I haven't found my purpose, and I can't seem to accept what others do so willingly."

"Rubbish, princess."

"It is tr-"

"Enough of that talk," she sighed, removing my head piece, and my dress began to fall.

Gloria quickly looked back at the knight, already knowing he was staring. "Turn around you pervert."

Adonis turned his body and stared at the wall.

Gloria rolled her eyes and handed me a towel and gown, "The water is warm and bubbly, accompanied with rose petals like you love it. Bathe and then sleep, alright? These worrisome days will pass away. I can assure you."

I nodded, covering my bare body, "Thank you."

She bowed her head and left the room after giving the 'I'm watching you' signal to Adonis.

When the door closed, I almost bursted into tears.

The royal ball was soon, and I'd have to choose, even if the princes agreed to not marry.

I didn't want to.

"Are you going to watch me bathe, Sir Adonis?"

He nodded.

I had gotten used to this already. Something was definitely off about him.

I stopped covering myself and walked towards him, reaching a hand up to feel his cheek.

He only looked at me. That's all he ever did.

Never speaking a sentence...not even a simple word.

How could he be so unphased when a naked woman is right before his eyes? He couldn't have been longing for me. He was so empty inside.

"You are so soulless..." I whispered as tears formed in my eyes. His eyes were always as cold as they were ice-blue.

Even in the quietness of this room, I couldn't hear him breathe. "...what all has been taken from you?"

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