𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 12

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I rose up in bed, trying to shake the dream out of my head. What's an Akazano?

I saw Adonis sleeping on the floor peacefully.

He's actually sleeping..? I hadn't seen him sleep before. I wasn't even truly sure if he's rested at all these past few days.

I sighed and grabbed a pillow, placing it underneath his head before covering him with one of my spare blankets.

I brushed his hair out of his eyes then rested my hand on his cheek, "Thank you for being my friend, Adonis. I will avenge you and give wrath to whoever took your voice away. It is almost time, please be patient."

I stood back up and saw Gloria coming through the door.

She almost dropped the small table when she saw Adonis laying on the ground, "Is he alright your highness?"

"I think the exhaustion got to him," I shrugged and grabbed the table from her, placing the food beside him.

"That was your breakfast princess."

"I know, but he needs this more than I do. He never eats unless I tell him to."

"It is his duty to be able to handle hunger and unrest," she said plainly.

"Well that's wrong Gloria. No one who fights for our kingdom should have to suffer this."

She only looked at me, knowing better than to counteract. "I'll be back with extra then, your highness."

I watched her leave. At the sound of the door closing, Adonis rose up immediately and grabbed his sword.

I put my hands out in front of him, "It's okay! It's okay!"

He looked over at me and froze, placing his sword back down.

"Are you hungry?" I asked him.

He shook his head, but I cut a piece of the french toast off with my fork anyway, holding it to his lips. "Eat. That's an order."

He chewed the piece off the fork, and when he tried to swallow, he started to choke.

I quickly went over to pat his back, "Oh goodness! Cough it up."

I placed a napkin to his face and he spit it out. There was blood. I looked towards the scar on his neck.

Of course...

I felt tears swell in my eyes, but I smiled nonetheless, trying to comfort him.

"Drink some water, okay? I'll go get this food chopped and liquidized."

I stood, and he grabbed my wrist, shaking his head.

"Adonis, let me help you."

He shook his head again, and I sighed, "Stubborn. Just stubborn."

• • •

I fed Adonis oatmeal as my hair was being rebraided by Gloria.

He didn't seem to trust his own hand when feeding himself, so he ate from mine instead.

I'd have to work on that with him as well.

"Ow Gloria! Grandma hands!"

"Hush, we are almost finished princess."

I rolled my eyes and placed the now empty bowl next to the other five. He ate like a wild bull. "Are you full Adonis?"

He nodded and I smiled at him, holding a hand up.

He placed his to mine, confused. His palm was so much bigger and rougher.

Gloria watched us both, "Hm..."

After she finished braiding my hair and placed gel to shape my edges, she got me dressed. "Well princess? Tiara today?"

"No thank you."

She bowed, "Very well. I will lead you to the ballroom. Please be on your best behavior. Asking as a friend, not just as a royal maid."

"May I speak with my mother first?" I asked.

She rose up, shocked, "She might be occupied."

"May I or may I not?" I asked again.

"You may," she said below a whisper.

I ordered Adonis to stay and rushed past her, walking through the hallways until I reached the medical room.

I stopped in my tracks when I heard someone already speaking with her.

"Oridan please protect them," my mother said.

My uncle responded, "I am doing everything I can. Do not think of it anymore while you are in this state."

"But I must. You are so hard on Lessi. I understand it is out of your instincts, but please let her be free to decide her next actions. Don't do as I do."

I heard his voice crack, "Auria..."

I peeked through the crack of the door and almost gasped.

She placed a hand to his face, rubbing a tear from his cheek with her thumb, "Be good to them. That is my final wish to you."

He nodded and she started to cry, "You were my first love...things could have been so different."

"Do you regret it?" he asked her.

"Never a day," she said, and he placed his lips on hers.

I backed away from the door in a hurry, rushing through the hallway to catch a breather.

As I slid down to the floor, one of the guards came to my aid, "Prin-"

"I am fine!" I held out a hand to stop him and he stood up straight.

I sighed and rose up, dusting off the ends of my dress, "Take me to the ballroom."

• • •

I looked up at the golden chandeliers and the wide empty floor.

"You came," I heard my father say as he walked up beside me. He was dressed more causal than usual. He didn't even bother to wear his crown.

"Well of course, against my will," I responded.

"It will get better butterfly, have faith."

I looked up at him, "What will happen to me father?"

He rose an eyebrow.

"You said something about winning, don't you remember?"

"No," he said plainly, but I could see his jaw tightening.

"You gave me a kiss farewell. Do you not remember that either?"

"It was a simple peck. Does my sweet butterfly want another?"

"You wouldn't give it," I smirked, "because you're way too practical without realizing."

He let out a loud laugh, "You really are your mother's daughter. Can't get anything past the two of you."

"Do I not deserve a simple explanation?"

"It is not my place to tell you. The compass will show you everything when the time has come."

Not once had my father looked at me this entire conversation and it began to freak me out.

I went over to stand in front of him, "Father..."

He folded his arms and kept his head up, "Yes?"

"Look at me."

He sighed, and when his eyes met mine, I fell into tears.

His eyes weren't gold nor red anymore, they were gray.

The way his gaze lingered around made my heart pound painfully against my chest.

I waved my hand in front of his face and his eyes didn't follow. "Dad..."

He frowned.

"Have you lost your vision?"

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