Chapter 24

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-Deacons POV-

Her head rested on my stomach while her body laid limp between my legs. Her shakes and whimpers finally subsided as she fell asleep, I was surprised she actually fell asleep. It was early morning but the sun still lingered below the horizon.

I let my gaze follow the curvature of her soft bare body. Her flawless creamy skin reflected every ounce of moonlight pouring in from the night sky, while my coffee foam color absorbed it.

I was careful not to wake her while I tucked her silky hair to one side, exposing my icy mark. I marveled at the thought of Ellis being all mine forever.

She squirmed between my legs, while her body flooded with heat again. She buried her face in my abdomen and dug her nails into my waist.

I grabbed her from under her arms and pulled her high to my chest, trying to get as much of my skin on hers. Digging her nails into my shoulders she then filled the crook of my neck with her whimpers.

"I'm getting you in another bath." I told her, I was about to pick her up but she quickly sat up pressing her hands down on my chest. Her dark hair covered her tear soaked rosy cheeks. She sniffled and pulled her hair
from her face before speaking.

"That not what I need." She whispered. My erection grew with every moment that passed as she stared down at me. It was very new to see this kind of lust in her eyes. My wolf loved it, but refused to act on her in heat. I could feel him watching, listening, even touching her. But he stayed silent.

He himself was struggling with the fact that our mate was begging for us. That her small legs wrapped around my waist so perfectly, that she was unknowingly grinding her damp core into my abdomen. Everything she did seemed to please me perfectly.

I focused my gaze on the ceiling, trying desperately to avoid my stare from wandering her naked body.

She reached behind her and let her fingers graze my shaft. I shut my eyes tight, trying my damnedest to suppress my wolf from coming forth. He was done watching, he wanted to play, his dirty thoughts flashed behind my closed lids like a movie, only making my attempts at stopping him weakened.

~Ellis POV~

His eyes finally opened to the beautiful familiar bright yellow. He looked angry but I could tell the lust was overwhelming him as well. He quickly flipped us, pinning me to the bed under his weight. His breaths were deep and long as he stared down at me.

"You really want me inside you?" It was more of a statement than a question, I quickly nodded and went to touch his face but he grabbed my wrist and pinned it above my head.

"You don't touch me, I touch you." He corrected my behavior. My breaths were rapid and shallow compared to his. I spread my legs underneath him, letting him put his weight to my core.

He almost smirked at my slick movement to bring him closer to me. It didn't last long as he crawled off of me and sat to the edge of the bed.

"Come." He looked back at me and held his hand out for me to take. I took it without hesitation and let him pull me from the bed and place me in front of him. His stature was still taller than mine with him sitting and me standing. His eyes were so bright it felt as though they were illuminating the dark room.

"You want me inside you?" He asked again, more gently while his bright eyes wandered my face. I nodded and stepped closer to him. He shook his head and put me back a step.

"On your knees little one."he whispered it so sweetly I didn't think I heard him correctly, he pushed down on my waist causing my knees to buckle putting me just where he wanted me.

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