Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

"Im surprised you came home." Rachel chirped from the living room. I chuckled and hung up my bag before making my way to her.

"And whys that?" I asked, plopping down on the couch next to her. She pulled her eyes away from the tv and wiggled her brows at me.

"Sam said he saw you at Deacon's, wearing some clothes that looked exceptionally big on you." she smirked. I rolled my eyes and buried my face into the cushion. Talking about Deacon made my stomach flutter.

"You don't have to tell me everything, but I'm just curious and a little bit shocked." she turned and faced me fully.

"I feel like I don't know who I am around him. Or maybe I'm finally realizing who I am. I don't know. My head is gone." I felt my cheeks turning pink. Rachel smiled and laid her head on my shoulder, nuzzling in and getting comfortable next to me.

"It's definitely different. The bond is just going to get even more intense. Have you thought about what you're going to do?" I haven't really thought about it.

"She's going to live with me forever and never look at another boy ever again." dad interrupted, walking into the living room. I laughed at his seriousness.

"Why are you so dressed up?" I asked, noticing his nice dress pants and button up. It was his go-to date outfit with mom.

"I'm taking your mother out for some drinks and dancing." he shook his hips and did a little spin. Rachel cringed at his attempted dance.

"Awe, that's nice." I smiled.

"Yeah. Things have been a little hectic, so I thought we deserved a good night out." I nodded and smiled in his direction. I felt bad that I may have been the reason why my parents felt stressed.

"Its really late, shouldn't you be gone already?" Rachel chimed. My beautiful mother walked into the living room. Her red dress accented her curves perfectly.

"The clubs aren't poppin till at least 10 Rach. Everyone knows that." My mother graced us with her knowledge. The room filled with laughter while she continued pinning her hair up.

"Mom. Please never use the term 'Poppin'." Rachel was holding her stomach trying to suppress her giggles. Mom rolled her eyes in amusmemt and left the room.

"Oh! I meant to ask you Rachel. Can you stay here tonight? We got a nice hotel downtown and I don't want to leave Ell alone." Dad looked at Rachel with pleading eyes.

"I don't need a sitter!" I hollered defensively. They ignored me.

"Ive got plans with Sam tonight. She'll be fine Dad. Deacon's always got someone watching over her." Rachel eyed me with a smirk. I narrowed my eyes at her. She was right though. My Dad gave and awkward look of distaste.

"Oh... Well I guess that's okay then..." He shifted uncomfortably. I averted my eyes.

"Im going to bed." I announced, trying to scurry from the awkward silence. I kissed my parents goodnight and hugged Rachel goodbye.

After I got out of my long shower the house was empty. I changed into Deacon's shirt from yesterday and climbed into bed. Nuzzling the fabric of the shirt to my nose, I fell asleep to the smell of him.

I woke to movement in my bed. I went to jump up but was engulfed into a tight embrace. My body relaxed, feeling the familiar warm shiver that ran up my spine.

"Shh, it's just me." Deacon's deep voice whispered thought the dark room. My heart skipped a beat knowing he was not only in my room, but my bed. I turned in his arms so I could face him.

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