Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I woke to sparks flooding up my thighs. Lifting my head from the car door, I took in my surroundings noticing that Deacon had indeed driven me home. I glanced down to my thigh and saw Deacon's large hand wrapped around my knee. He slowly retracted his hand after seeing that he had successfully woken me up.

I almost whimpered at the loss of his touch. Without thinking I grabbed his hand placing it back on my knee. I felt Deacon's muscles stiffened at my action. I studied the black markings on his hand, finally being able to follow them up his bare arm. As they disappeared under his short-sleeve shirt, my curiosity got the best of me and I slid my hand up his arm feeling the intense sparks along the way, lifting his sleeve to see how far they lead. A low growl erupted throughout the car, startling me. Deacon ripped his arm from my hands.

"Don't touch me." his comment sounded like a plea rather than a statement. My heart fell into my stomach. He didn't feel what I felt. His touch was irresistible for me. My mind wandered to his comment outside the nightclub. 'you are mine.' I quoted him in my head. He was confusing me and I was sick and tired of feeling confused.

"Why did you drive me home? And why drag me out of the club like that." I questioned. Deacon gazed down at his hands for a moment before responding.

"You're too young to be in a club Ellis." he defended finally locking eyes with mine. I scoffed. "That isn't your concern." I raised my voice gaining some confidence. His jaw tightened as he narrowed his eyes at me.

"It is when you let disgusting, pathetic men touch your body!" he spat, his voice was laced with pure anger. I pressed my back to the car door, creating distance between us. He was jealous.

Although his anger scared me, I wanted nothing more than to comfort him, and tell him I only wanted his hands on my body. He held a menacing stare, almost as if he were trying to scare me away.

"Samuel is a good friend of mine, and I know he and Rachel would have disapproved of your behavior." he explained, struggling to hide his anger. I watched him closely. His behavior was so unlike anything I've ever experienced. He was so rude and indecisive. The probability that he was at the same night club I was at, an hour away from home was so unlikely.

"I should go, thank you for the ride." I told him slowly getting goit of his truck. I was too exhausted to try and figure him out. If anyone else had done what Deacon had done to me tonight I would have been shaking with anger. But he was different.

"Goodnight Ellis." his body seemed more relaxed now. The cold air nipped at my exposed skin, making me already miss his warm touch.

"Goodnight Deacon." I responded before closing the door and making my way inside the house.

I woke to the loud shrill of my phone. My head was pounding as soon as my eyes took in the bright rays slipping through my curtains. I reluctantly sat up quickly grabbing my phone to see who was calling so early. Cassidy's name lit up the screen. Memories from last night came flooding back. I left Cass alone...

"Cass! Are you okay?" I quickly answered. "Oh Ell I am better than okay!" she gushed on the other end. "Did you get home safe?" I asked. I felt like such a crapy friend. The whole Deacon situation had distracted me.

"Well after you bailed on me, this very nice, very handsome gentleman took me under his wing! I'm talking dream man Ellis. He was too good to be true!" she was almost shouting through the phone, bringing my pounding headache back. I was glad she was safe.

"What happened? How did you get home?" I questioned her while pulling myself out of bed. I stumbled down the stairs on a mission for pain killers, while Cass told me about this mystery man and how he bought her food, and drove her all the way home.

As I made it to the kitchen I stopped in my tracks. "Cass I have to go." I mumbled before quickly hanging up. Sam was in the kitchen having a cup of coffee with my parents. But it was my father's disappointing expression that panicked me.

"We need to talk Ellis." my mom grilled, placing her mug on the countertop. Sam gave me a pitiful smile as if he actually felt bad for me. "Well I should be going. Thank you for the coffee Mrs. Belrose." he hugged my mom before leaving.

"Portland?" My dad shouted as soon as Sam closed the front door. I couldn't believe it. Deacon told on me. He actually told on me.

"Look, I understand that it was reckless and dangerous..." my dad cut me off. "A club Ellis! In Portland!" He yelled over me. "Charles. Let the girl speak." my mom defended.

"I've never gone out, I've been a model child for you both. I wanted one night of fun, it was grad night." I didn't feel bad about going out. This was the first rebellious thing I've ever done.

"That kind of fun always comes at a price. You're grounded till your 18." my dad deadpanned. I chuckled realizing my 18th birthday was less than a week away. I heard my mom chuckle as well.

"Carly. Don't stand there and condone her behavior." my dad warned my mother. She quickly covered her smile.

I retreated to my room before the conversation could escalate. I unplugged my laptop from my desk and plopped it on my bed. I needed to find a summer job now that the internship fell through. My heart winced as I thought of how my summer was going to be completely different than anticipated.

As I scrolled through the job openings, my mind started slowly recalling the details of last night. The details involving Deacon. My breath hitched as I remembered what he had said to me. Deacon wanted me to be his, but his actions told me something entirely different. I didn't know how things had increased between us so quickly. I went from seeing him in passing, to him yanking me away from another man, and telling me I was his.

I wanted so badly to have another conversation with him, to clear up all my confusion. But I knew it was a terrible idea. Rachel would never give me his contact information, and not to mention Deacon had told Sam about my escapades, who in turn told my parents. Deacon wanted me grounded.

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I'm not getting much feedback and would love to know what you all think. The past few chapters have been a slow burn but things are about to escalate!!

Thank you for reading❤️

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