Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

It had been a week since I found out werewolves exist. My family has been giving me space, besides Rachel. She comes over every day to see how I'm doing. A part of me thinks my family is using her for information, to see if Deacon had secretly visited me.

I haven't heard from Deacon since we kissed. A part of me ached and longed for him to be near me, but another part of me was terrified. He was a beast.  'An Alpha' Sam kept saying.

I rolled over and covered my face with my blankets. I felt like there were two people inside me. One was saying, go to Deacon and accept him for everything he is and live happily ever after. But I knew that it was an irrational option. I've spent most of my life chasing this dream to be a journalist. I wanted to travel; write about culture, nature, and even my own adventures. I would have to give all of that up to be with Deacon.

There was no way I could make this decision without understanding the details. What would my day to day life look like? What would my duties as Luna be? How soon would Deacon want to have children? Can I even birth wolf babies? Would Deacon even let me say no? Would he force me into a life with him? I shot out of bed running to the bathroom, my anxiety was making me nauseous.

I emptied my stomach into the toilet, pulling a towel off the hook and burying my face in it. "Ell." I heard Rachels's voice through the door. She was earlier than usual today. "I'm kind of busy." I muffled a reply.

"There's someone here I think you should talk to." her voice sounded serious and almost a tad frightened. "Give me a minute and I'll be down." I told her. I wasn't in the mood to see anyone. I had been hiding in my room the past week, I was looking rough.

I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. I scurried to my bedroom, and towel-dried my hair the best I could; pulling on some skinny jeans and a t-shirt. I checked my reflection in the mirror before applying some mascara and chapstick. It had only taken me 10 minutes to clean myself up enough to look presentable.

I let my damp hair down as I made my way down the steps. I stopped mid-way down the stairs as the familiar feeling gathered in my stomach. He was here. Deacon was here. I tried calming my heart rate before making my way down the rest of the stairs.

I walked into the kitchen, bombarded by Deacon's scent. My family was standing around the kitchen as well. Deacons frame was leaned against the counter top with his two hands in his pant pockets. I averted my eyes in an attempt to stop the incessant pounding in my ears.

I glanced at my dad who was looking very uncomfortable on the other side of the kitchen, as far away from Deacon as he could have been. Sam was standing next Deacon with Rachel by his side.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, briefly glancing in Deacon's direction. I wasn't being rude, I was just confused.

He stood up from leaning against the counter, pulling his tattooed hands from his fitted slacks. I watched intently as his chest and shoulders pulled back slightly, tightening his dress shirt around his torso. He was so beautiful. Every move he made was emotionally drawing me closer to him.

"We need to talk." His voice cut through the room like butter. I don't think I've ever heard a voice so low and inviting. I nodded under his gaze. I could feel everyone's eyes on us.

Deacon was indeed my polar opposite. He wasn't buff per say, but he was built. He was tall and strong. Everything about him was bigger than your average human. He stood out in this room with my family, even next to Sam.

Deacon lead me out of the kitchen to the front door. I didn't realize we were leaving the house to talk. My heart started racing. I didn't know if I wanted to be alone with him yet. A part of me was still frightened knowing what he was and what he could do.

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