Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

The car was filled with uncomfortable silence as we made our way across the territory border. My gaze was focused on the passing buildings and people, taunting my mind to wander beyond the heavy space between Deacon and me.

It was difficult not understanding how or why Deacon was acting the way he was. The cold barrier he was constructing had me feeling just the way I did a few weeks ago; clueless and isolated.

"I can feel that you're confused." He spoke, having me snap my head toward him in surprise. He's barley spoke two words to me since we got in the car.

"I am." I replied simply. He glanced at me briefly before settling his gaze back to the road.

"I love you Ellis, and I would never hurt you. However, the predator inside me sees things differently. It will take and do what it sees fit." his knuckles were wrapped tightly around the steering wheel.

"Thats not true. That preditor inside you loves me too. He may be old fashion, and a misogynist, but he would never let his wants, and desires exceed the need to make me feel loved, and safe." I defended.

We were at a stoplight when he turned his head to me curiously. He couldn't understand why I felt defensive of the Lycan inside him.

"You don't know that for sure." he retaliated. I let out a sigh.

"I pulled the clothes from my body, he could have easily taken me right there. But he chose not to." I raised my voice slightly.

"Exactly. You taunted the one thing in me that has been a problem since day one." Deacon tightened his jaw before he continued. It felt as if his outburst had multiple meanings.

"I can feel his wants and desires Ellis, he wants to fuck you, over and over, and over again. There may be moments where he cares about the way you feel, and what you want, but those moments are short and far in between." he admitted. My eyes were wide as Deacon parked the car.

"Thats not true.." I started, Deacon cut me off before I could continue.

"The reason I'm upset with you is because of the what if's. What if you took that shirt off and my wolf chose differently. What if I took you'r virtue on that floor of the entryway. Picture that, picture how that could have hurt you, physically and emotionally..." his face was filled with sorrow trying to get me to understand how frightening that situation could have been.

"I believe you. I'm sorry." was all I could say. He took a deep breath and pulled the key from the ignition. I glanced at our surroundings half expecting to be at Cornells office but we weren't.

"Where are we?" I asked, as Deacon got out of the car. I followed suit, adjusting my nice blouse.

We were at a nice big house with a private drive, the architecture seemed new and modern, and the large hedges kept the house of out view from the main road.

"This is Cornells home." he finally responded as I caught up to him. Deacon slipped his warm hand around mine as we made our way to the door. That small piece of affection had me feeling better about our argument in the car.

I squeezed his large hand as he rang the doorbell. He glanced down at me and gave a weak smile, slowly leaning down laying a soft kiss on the top of my head.

I leaned into his warm body just before the door opened.

"Alpha Vidar." a young blonde man spoke, as he made way for us to come in. Deacon pulled me inside with him, giving the man a small nod.

"How have you been Gale?" Deacon asked the man.

"Good, just training with Dad. Probably gonna be a better warrior than him by the time summers over." he joked.

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