Chapter 26

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The pounding of paws grew closer. I cleared my throat, trying my best to hide the fact that I almost allowed Samuel to kiss me, that I wanted Samuel to kiss me. I felt ashamed, letting him so close after every thing he did.

A dark wolf appeared from between the trees, I immediately knew it was Deacon. It came to no surprise that Deacons wolf was larger than the rest. He was dark brown, I would have mistaken his fur for black if it weren't for the afternoon rays reflecting on his coat.

His eyes never graced mine, he was focused on Sam. I wanted to comfort him and tell him nothing happened, but I'd be lying. I was guilty of betrayal, and he was guilty of lying. Yet I felt like I wronged him worse in some way.

Three wolves followed and paced around us, making sure we stayed close. Sam held Deacons stare, nodding his head every now and then.

I stayed completely silent, anything to keep Deacon from hurting Sam. I kept imagining his death on the ground in front of me. Deacons sharp teeth stained in blood.

"Lenon is taking you home." Sam spoke up beside me. A smaller brown speckled wolf stepped forward gaining my attention. His soft eyes looked like they belonged to Lenon.

I turned to Sam, letting him see how nervous I was about leaving him alone. He gave me a small nod trying to reassure me that everything was going to be fine.

I drew my gaze back to Deacon, who was refusing to look at me. I took a deep breath and sauntered over to Lenon, giving Deacon and Sam one last look before letting Lenon lead the way.

We were 10 minutes into our walk when Lenon trotted off path behind a tree. I recognized the sound of flesh and bone cracking and tugging against each other. I waited patiently while I assumed Lenon was getting dressed.

"Thats just insane... I thought I knew everything there was to know about our species." He hollered as he came out from behind the tree, still zipping his pants.

"Don't pretend you didn't know." I responded bitterly. He put his hands up in defense.

"I swear on the moon goddess, I had no clue." He promised. I thought about who else could have known. Arlo crossed my mind, he had to have known.

"I've heard of having more than one mate, but family members? And Deacons age messing with fate? Never." He chirped on about how insane he found the whole situation.

Meanwhile I was stuck in my own head, trying my best to decipher each and every emotion that was screaming inside me.

Sorrow for my sisters broken heart, for Samuels unrequited love, and for almost betraying Deacon. Anger for Samuels actions, for Deacons lying, and most of all my own actions. Letting Samuel kiss me would have broken not only my sisters heart, but Deacons as well.

I seemed to be making a checklist of my emotions, comparing them to facts just to make sure that they were valid. I didn't like not being in control.

I've lived my entire life knowing exactly where each feeling derived. For months my emotions have been tampered with by wolves and witches.

After scaling my checklist I decided I was angry. Angry at Sam and Deacon, for not only myself, but for my family as well.

"So I guess we can't bond over Sam being and asshole anymore." Lenon interrupted my thought.

"What?" I looked at him confused. He gave an awkward chuckle.

"Well now that you can feel his bond. We can't make jokes about him being an asshole." He sounded uncomfortable explaining himself. 

"He's still an asshole, takes after his uncle Deacon." I scoffed while making my way up the rocky hill. Lenon chuckled under his breath and followed in silence.

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