Chapter Two

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A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Two. Picture of Xavier ^^^^^^

----- Hannah's P.O.V -----

I know that the Wood's are having a family dinner tonight so Marissa - Marissa is Tyler and Xavier's mum - has invited me to have dinner with them all to which I gladly agreed as I know that Tyler will be there. I have just arrived; I get out of my car and lock it. I walk up the steps to the Wood's family home which is massive, it's practically a mansion.

When Tyler was 3 his parents abandoned him, he was on the streets until Marissa and Max found him. Marissa is unable to have children so she felt so guilty about not being able to give Max a child, they decided to adopt Tyler. The Wood family have all been millionaires; therefore Tyler was introduced to the world of wealth at a young age. Xavier is my age and was adopted when he was born, despite him being adopted he looks so much like Tyler it's kind of scary. Xavier's mum was only 16 when he was born and she couldn't handle a son at that age which is why she put him up for adoption, luckily he was brought to the Wood's and not some good for nothing family that wouldn't treat him right.

I ring the doorbell and a few seconds later Max opens it "Hiya Sweetie" he says hugging me "Hey Max" I say and he invites me in "Xavi" I say plopping down on the couch next to Xavier "Hanni" he says putting his arm around my shoulder "What's up?" I ask and he shrugs "Not much. Just watching another press conference on Ty's hotel" he says pointing to the TV "Ugh another one. Why are they so obsessed with it?" I ask and he chuckles "You know you love him anyway so you shouldn't be complaining" he says and I blush. Xavier knows about my feelings for Tyler, surprisingly he wasn't that bothered when I told him and he wants me to be with him because apparently I could 'change' him or something like that. 

"When is Tyler getting here?" I ask, wow it sounds weird to call my boss by his first name. I know that he told me to and everything but it is still strange, even though I am best friends with his brother I just can't come to terms with the fact that he actually talked to me because he wanted to and not because he was forced to. "Uhm. In a few minutes I think, mum wants him to get here as soon as possible because she has made food already" he says pulling me into his side even more "I love her cooking" I say and he chuckles "Always thinking about your stomach Han" he says and I shake my head "No I was just saying that your mum's cooking is to die for" I say "Awh, thanks darling" Marissa says walking into the room "Always welcome Marissa" I say and she smiles "I remember when you would only call me Mrs Wood" she says and I nod "And I remember when you thought she was dating me mum" Xavier says and Marissa smiles innocently "Sorry Xavier. But you two do look like a couple" she says and then the back door slams. "Tyler's back" Xavier says and I turn to him confused "Whenever Tyler comes home if he sees something that annoys him then he goes outside" he says and I nod "I should check on him" I say standing up and Xavier nods before turning his attention back to the TV.

----- Tyler's P.O.V ------

I have just walked into the house "Sorry Xavier. But you two do look like a couple" I hear my mum say from the living room, I look inside and see Hannah sitting on the couch with Xavier's arm around her shoulder. What?! How could he do that to me? He knows I like her, god some brother he is.

Before any of them notice me I storm out of the back door and into the garden, I sit down by the fish pond and watch the fish swim around. I honestly have feelings for Hannah and I told Xavier everything because he is her best friend, I didn't think that he would DATE her. God, I feel so stupid. This is why the public call me heartless, no-one ever wants to be with me, they would rather have someone better that doesn't have a fucked up past.

I feel someone's hand on my shoulder, I turn around and see Hannah standing there smiling at me. "You okay?" she asks sitting down next to me and I nod "I'm fine. You should get back inside" I say and Hannah shakes her head "Why should I do that?" she asks and I sigh "Your boyfriend is in there" I say and she looks at me confused "Mr Wood. I am not in a relationship with your brother if that's what you're implying" she says and I smile slightly "Oh really? Why did he have his arm around you then?" I ask and she sighs "I have been his friend for a good few years. We act like a couple but I can assure my heart belongs to someone else that doesn't even know" she says almost zoning out at the end.

"You know. Your mum is pretty upset that you aren't in there yet. You should go and eat" Hannah says standing up. She smiles at me before walking back in. Damn it, she called me Mr Wood a few seconds ago. Does she only think of me as her boss? I guess there is only one way to find out, after dinner I am asking her out on a date with me for tomorrow and hopefully she will say yes. If she does then I have a few other things planned.

----- Hannah's P.O.V -----

I need to distance myself from Tyler, when I was talking to him outside on the grass I just fell for him even more and I don't want to be heartbroken when I find out that he doesn't feel the same way. I am surprised that he even thought I was dating Xavier, he is my best friend. We talked about going down that route a few years ago but we decided to just stay friends, we knew that we would eventually break up and not on the best terms either so our friendship was more important to us at that point. It still is and I couldn't imagine myself dating Xavier instead of Tyler, it would be so wrong for me to do that and not truly be over Tyler. I sound like I dated him but I never did, I am just falling for him, hard may I add.

I check the time on my phone and see that I need to get back to the dorms soon; I stand up from the sofa and kiss Xavier on the cheek "Bye Xavi. Love you" I whisper in his ear "Bye Hanni. I think Tyler is going now" he says and I nod, he turns to Tyler "Ty. Walk Hannah out?" Xavier asks and Tyler nods "Sure let me say bye to mum and dad" Tyler says walking off to talk to Max.

"Bye Sweetie" Max says hugging me "Seeya Maxwell" I say and he chuckles "Remember when you would call me Mr Wood?" he asks and I nod "I have to call my boss that though" I say and Max nods this time. He knows I work at Tyler's hotel but he doesn't know that I like him. Just Xavier and Marissa know that. I would tell Max but that would be a bit embarrassing, we are close but I don't think that I could be able to tell him that I have feelings for his eldest son.

"Goodnight Mr Wood" I say to Tyler as I get to my car "Hannah, wait" he says grabbing my wrist, I turn around and he is there looking kind of nervous "Yes Mr Wood?" I ask and he sighs "Just Tyler please" he says and I nod "Will you let me take you out on a date tomorrow?" he asks and I smile "I would love to but I'm working" I say and he chuckles "Don't worry about that. I will call Fronter tonight and tell him to give you the say off" he says and I giggle a bit "You do use being the owner to your advantage" I say and he smirks "Is this date going to be all day?" I ask and he shakes his head "I will meet you outside the staff dorms tomorrow at noon" he says and I nod "Okay then. Goodnight Tyler" I say and he smiles "Goodnight Hannah" he says and with that he walks off and gets into his car.

I get into my car still smiling about what just happened. Does him asking me out on a date mean he has feelings for me? I do hope so.


That was Chapter Two, hope you liked it.

Thanks for reading.

Till the next chapter.........

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