Chapter Sixteen

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A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Sixteen. Hannah's outfit ^^^^^^

——- Hannah's P.O.V ——-

It has been about a month since I woke up from the coma and I have been back in the penthouse for around 2 weeks. Tyler has decided that I should fully move into the penthouse because I am never at my dorm anyway and he doesn't want anything else to happen to me which I understand as I can't even imagine what he went through whilst Carter has me and whilst I was in the coma. So now I live with my boyfriend, my brother, a lazy ass cop, a playboy thief and a bad boy artist. It's quite entertaining actually, the guys usually order room service for breakfast but one morning I made breakfast for all of them in the kitchen. I have cooked for Tyler before and he liked it. When Jett, Shay, Leon and Robson walked into the dining room that morning they all freaked out because they had never tasted my cooking before.

Today is Beth's wedding. I am so excited because she waited to marry him until I woke up. Apparently Wyatt and Tyler got really close whilst I was out which I find really cute, Tyler is one of Wyatt's groomsmen and Elijah is Wyatt's best man. I am her maid of honour still and Beth's sister Jasmine is a bridesmaid. The wedding is being held at the local church and the reception is in the hall that the W.E.B is usually held in. When Tyler suggested using the W.E.B hall Beth freaked out and practically rugby tackled Tyler when she hugged him, of course he isn't charging her for it because if he did then I would most likely kill him or leave him.

I'm woken up by being hit with a pillow. I shoot up in bed to face a very excited Beth sitting in front of me. I stayed with Beth last night in the dorms and Tyler stayed with Elijah and Wyatt in the penthouse. "Good morning" I say rubbing my eyes "I'm getting married" she says and I giggle "I know. We both need to get changed" I say and she runs off into the bathroom. Whilst Beth is in the shower there is a knock at the door, I look down at what I'm wearing which is one of Tyler's work shirts but it reaches my knees so it will be fine. I walk to the door and open it to reveal Leon and Robson "Do you guys ever go anywhere without each other?" I ask sarcastically and they both chuckle "Very funny Hanni" Leon says and Robson places a small box in my hand, about the size of a bracelet box "What's this?" I ask and they both smirk "It's a gift from Boss. He doesn't want to come here himself because he is helping Wyatt and Elijah" Leon says and I nod. I hug them both and kiss their cheeks before they leave.

I shut the door and sit down on the airbed that I slept on. I open the box and it reveals a silver bracelet that has been engraved to look like rope and there is a silver anchor wrapped in the rope. Beth walks out of the bathroom and sits down on her bed "What's that?" she asks and I show her the bracelet "It's from Ty. Rob and Leo just dropped it round. I have a feeling that he wants me to wear it today" I say and she giggles staring to towel dry her hair "Jasmine is doing our hair right?" I ask and she nods "Yeah. She will be here in half an hour. You might want to have a shower" she says. I put the bracelet back in its box and go into the bathroom.

When I finish my shower and walk back into the bedroom Jasmine is doing Beth's hair "Hiya Jazzy" I say and Jasmine side hugs me "How are you Hannah?" she asks and I sit down on the other chair, moving it so that I am facing Jasmine and Beth "I'm good thanks. How are Lee and the kids?" I ask - Lee is her husband of 4 years and they are both 27. She also has two children Harry who is 3 and Isla who is 1 - "They are great. Lee is always asking about you" she says and I smile "I heard that you are dating THE Tyler Wood. Nice one Han" she says and I giggle "Thanks Jaz. You will actually see him later" I say and she gasps "Really?" she asks and I nod "Well the reception is being held at his hotel" I say and she rolls her eyes "Sis, remember Lee will be there plus you're too old for Tyler" Beth says.

Jasmine finishes Beth's hair and then does her make-up before doing the same with me. Beth's hair is curled and in a ponytail whereas as my hair has just been simply curled. Jasmine helps Beth to get into her dress and I change into mine. I have a satin, light pink dress with silver embellishments on the top. I also put on silver pumps and the bracelet that Tyler got me. Beth looks absolutely breath-taking in her dress, Jasmine is wearing a similar dress to mine but hers is a blueish colour.

(A/N - I'm just skipping the actual ceremony and going to the reception)

So, the ceremony was the epitome of adorable. Tyler didn't look away from me once which was cute. Wyatt's vow was so sweet, he cried at the end and Beth wiped away the tears. When Beth said her vow she also cried causing her to turn to me for a tissue, I had a feeling that she was going to cry so I was prepared. When she threw the bouquet I caught it causing everyone to look towards Tyler, Beth invited the guys and they all started smirking at Tyler. Tyler then slapped them all upside the head which made me laugh.

We're now at the reception. I am sat at the head table next to Beth, Tyler is next to me. Eli is on the next to Wyatt who is sat on the other side of Beth, then Jasmine and Lee are next to Eli. Eli stands up to do his speech; I have to do one too. "So, today two of my best friends got married today. I couldn't be happier for them" Elijah says into the mic so that everyone can hear him "Wyatt has been my best friend since Year 7 so I have known him a long time. It was helpful to have him around when we had to put up with Beth and Hannah" he says and Beth and I mock gasp in unison "Elijah. We were not that bad" I say and Beth giggles "Carry on with the speech" Beth says and Elijah nods "I don't really have any weird stories about Wyatt. He isn't one to do stupid stuff. He has been with Beth for so long so I don't have anything about weird ex-girlfriends" Elijah says sighing "Damn dude. Why do you have such a boring life" Elijah says and Wyatt chuckles "That's why I have you as my best mate" Wyatt says and Elijah does a little victory dance "Anyway. I wish you two the best as always. Oh and name your first son Elijah" he says before sitting down and passing the microphone to me.

I stand up and smooth down my dress "You took my opening Eli" I say and everyone laughs "I have known Wyatt since I was young and we have been best friends for over 20 years. I have been friends with Beth since I started secondary school and over the years she has become like a sister to me" I say and they both smile at me "When I first met Beth it was at school. I was sitting with Wyatt at lunch and we admittedly looked like a couple. Beth came over and told us that we looked really cute together. Wyatt and I burst out laughing and I told her that I was just friends with Wyatt. And thus this relationship was born" I say motioning to the newlyweds with my hands "Seriously though. I love you guys and I couldn't be happier. Plus name your first daughter Hannah" I say and they both laugh.

They better name their first daughter Hannah or middle name at least.


That was Chapter Sixteen, hope you liked it.

Any opinions you guys have please tell me in the comments.

Thanks for reading.

Till the next chapter..........

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