Chapter Twelve

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A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Twelve. Picture of Leanna ^^^^^

----- Hannah's P.O.V -----

We got back from Spain last night and I am going back to work this afternoon. Tyler didn't want me going back until tomorrow but I want to see Elijah, Jeremy and Beth because I have missed them all so much. Leanna is the one person that I haven't missed from work, ever since I got the penthouse job she has hated me even more and god is it annoying, I find it amusing that I can actually say something back to her now because I am dating Tyler and I won't lie to him if I said something to her but he would most likely take my side on things.

I open my eyes expecting Tyler to be asleep but he's wide awake and smiling down at me "Don't watch me sleep" I say covering my face and I hear him chuckle before moving my hands "You look so adorable though" he says and I blush "You aren't usually awake this early" I say and he passes me his phone "Baby it's almost lunch time" he says and I look at the time, he's telling the truth "I woke up about an hour ago" he says taking his phone back and putting it on the nightstand again "Have you been watching me sleep the entire time?" I ask and he nods "I like to admire my beautiful girlfriend" he says pressing a light kiss to my lips. "I have to go to work" I say getting out of bed but Tyler pulls me back "Stay and go back tomorrow" he says pulling me into him "No Ty. But I will compromise" I say turning to face him "I will go down to lunch and talk with Eli, Beth and Jez and then I will clean up here" I say and he smiles "Fine. At least I get to see you" he says and I nod "I will get one of the other maids to take the cleaning cart back down to the basement" he says.

I get out of bed and have a shower before changing into the usual work uniform. "BABY" Tyler shouts from his office "I was only in the bedroom" I say walking over to him "I know but you wouldn't have heard me otherwise" he says pulling me onto his lap "What did you want? I need to go" I say putting my pager on my belt "I just wanted to say that I love you and I will see you later" he says and I smile "I love you too" I say kissing him quickly and then getting off his lap. I walk down to the main living area and see the other guys eating their hearts out "I am not cleaning that up later" I say as I walk through "But you're the maid" Shay says and I hear Tyler walking down the stairs "She's also my girlfriend. She doesn't have to do anything she doesn't want to" he says standing next to me "So suck it Cop" I say sticking my tongue out at him before kissing Jett's cheek as a goodbye and walking out of the penthouse.

"Hiya lovies" I say sitting down at the table where Elijah and Beth are "Hey. We haven't seen you in a while" Elijah says putting his arm around me "I know. I was on vacation" I say and Beth smirks "With Mr Wood?" she asks and I nod "Well he is my boyfriend" I say and Elijah chuckles "All of the staff saw the press conference. Jezza put it on during a meeting" he says and I smile "So I'm guessing everyone knows now" I say and the both nod "Welcome back Hanni" I hear Jeremy say from behind me "Hey Jez" I say as he kisses my cheek "We missed you" he says sitting down next to Beth "Some of us did" I hear someone say behind me. I turn around to face Leanna "Well then I think the feeling is mutual" I say standing up in front of her "Just because you are being a slut and sleeping with Mr Wood doesn't give you the right to disrespect me. I am still your superior" she says and I cross my arms.

Before things get too heated I decide to press my pager and page all of the guys in the penthouse, at least one of them will come down here. "Look Leanna. For one thing I am not a slut, I have known Mr Wood's brother for a long period of time and that is how I met Mr Wood himself" I say and Leanna rolls her eyes "Every single person in this hotel knows that Mr Wood would not date you because of who you are. It's either a publicity stunt or you're just his personal toy" she says and I hear multiple people gasp around the room. I look behind me and see my brother standing there glaring at Leanna, he walks up next to me and puts his arm around my shoulder pulling me into his side "Y-Y-You're Jett Cooper" Leanna says stuttering and Jett nods "I am. I take it that you've heard of my gang" he says and Leanna nods not speaking a word "I would appreciate it if you didn't talk about my younger sister in such a manner" he says and Leanna's mouth drops.

I remove Jett's arm from my shoulder and go on my tip-toes "J. I'm taking Beth and Eli to the penthouse. Handle it here for me?" I ask whispering in his ear and he nods "Sure Sis. See you later" he whispers in reply, quickly kissing my cheek before turning back to Leanna with his arms crossed. I walk back over to Jeremy, Beth and Elijah who are looking at me extremely confused - well Jeremy isn't because he has met the others in the penthouse - "Jez. Can you excuse Beth and Elijah for the rest of the day? They're coming with me" I say and he nods "Yes Hannah. I can do that" he says before walking out of the cafeteria. "Where are we going Hanni?" Elijah asks walking with me and Beth to the private elevator "I figure it's time that you meet my boyfriend and friends" I say putting the key card in.

----- Tyler's P.O.V -----

"BOSS. YOUR GIRL IS HERE" I hear Leon shout from downstairs. Why is Hannah here? She shouldn't be back for another hour, unless Leanna has done something again "BOSS" I hear Leon shout again "CHILL OUT LEO" I shout walking down the stairs. I see Hannah sitting on the couch on her own with two other people on the couch opposite "Hey Baby" I say sitting next to her and she smiles at me "Hiya Ty" she says kissing my cheek "Why are you back early?" I ask putting my arm around her "Guess" she says and I chuckle "Leanna?" I ask and she nods "She's so annoying" one of Hannah's friends says. I look at Hannah who smiles sheepishly "That's Beth" she says pointing at the ginger haired girl "That's Elijah" she says pointing to the boy next to her.

Both Elijah and Beth smile in recognition "Nice to meet my best friend's boyfriend. You did well Hanni" Elijah says and Hannah giggles "Shut up Eli" she says and Beth slaps Elijah "Thank you" Hannah says and Elijah glares at Beth "Meet my friends" Hannah whispers in my ear.


That was Chapter Twelve, hope you liked it.

Thanks for reading.

Till the next chapter............

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