Chapter Fourteen

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A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Fourteen. Picture of Robson ^^^^^

--- Hannah's P.O.V ---

I have been here a week. A freaking week. I have no idea where I am, I have not been allowed out of this hole I am in and I have had no contact with any human being other than Carter or as I like to call him the Spawn of Satan. I woke up in the room that I am in now; it is a small room with a double bed in the corner and an extremely small ensuite bathroom. I am wearing one of Carter's t-shirts and it stinks of smoke and a tight pair of short shorts that make me feel like a slut. Carter has been beating me every day, I think I have a broken wrist because last night Carter pushed me out of the bed and then 'accidentally' stepped on my wrist but he did it with such force that I am unconvinced it was accidental. The scary thing is that ever since he started beating me more and more I keep blacking out at random times, if Carter is in the middle of something with me then that makes him beat me even more. You would think that he would leave me alone when I'm passed out but no, he wouldn't even be that courteous. Each night he has raped me, I feel so disgusting because I feel like I have cheated on Tyler even though it isn't even my fault.

Carter has people here with him. There are at least between 15 and 20 guys on the ground floor of this house, there is always 3 guys guarding my door at night so that I don't try and escape. Carter stays on the first floor so I think that there are about 5 guys up there. These guys aren't weak either, I have seen them, they are the ones that bring me food and they are strong but not a match for Jett, Tyler, Robson, Leon or Shay as those guys all work out daily.

I miss Tyler so much. I know that he is looking for me along with Jett and the whole Dark Rain gang. The gang members mean a lot to me, when I was first introduced as Jett's sister they immediately accepted me, I am the only girl there and I know they all respect me. It's kind of like being the leader's wife, every single guy in the gang will protect the girl that Jett marries, they do the same with me and I find that really sweet. I can't believe that at one point I was in love with Carter, comparing him to Tyler he is like a pathetic little worm and Tyler is the brave lion. I just need Tyler back.

Just as a tear rolls down my cheek Carter bursts in smiling like a psychopath "Good morning princess" he says sitting next to me and I look him up and down in disgust "Don't look at me like that princess" he says and I roll my eyes "I'm going to the toilet" I say attempting to stand up but he grabs my wrist, my non broken one thankfully "Ah, ah, ah. What about my good morning kiss" he say smirking and I shake my head "You know what happens when you disobey me princess" he says and I nod defeated "Good morning Carter" I say pressing a quick kiss to his lips before running off into the bathroom. I shut the door and lock it before sliding down against it breathing heavily. I know I have only been here a week but I just want to leave, I hate Carter and I have ever since the first time he laid a hand on me. He scares me; this is no way to live my life. I need Tyler.

That's the last thought I have before a world of darkness takes over.

--- Tyler's P.O.V ---

"TYLER" Jett shouts running into the penthouse "We've found her" he says stopping to catch his breath. I jump up from the couch and practically run over to him "What?" I ask making sure that I heard him correctly "She is in a house. About an hour away from here. On the outskirts of town" he says and all the others walk over "Well what are we waiting for?" Leon asks crossing his arms "Let's go and get Boss' girl back" Robson says and we all sprint straight down to the fastest cars I own and drive to where my girlfriend has been kept for the past week.

This past week has been hell for me; I can't even imagine how it has been for Hannah. From what Beth, Elijah and Beth's fiancé Wyatt have told me this Carter guy is even more dangerous than we first thought. He has a criminal record for domestic abuse; he has drink driving charges and a kidnapping charge. I know that the domestic abuse was with Hannah and I can't tell you how infuriated that makes me, I swear if he has hurt even one hair on my girl's head he will not live to see tomorrow and I mean that. The DR gang is not afraid to take someone's life, especially if that someone has done ANYTHING to harm someone that we consider family and of course Hannah means everything to me and Jett so I don't think that this guy will survive the night even if he hasn't hurt Hannah.

The drive was supposed to take an hour but at the speed we were driving the drive only took 25 minutes. We all jump out of the cars and Jett tosses me a hand gun, I see that he DR gang are here, literally every single gang member is here and I know why. I also see that Shay has pulled his gun out, Robson has one as does Leon but no one should really trust Robson and Leon with guns because knowing them they will shoot themselves in the foot or something. They are definitely better at hand to hand combat instead of machinery usage.

Luke - Jett's right hand man - walks up to the front door and kicks it down in one go. Jett and I are the first to walk in, multiple guards run over to us but the gang members take them out. I see a door down the corridor that is being guarded; maybe that's where Hannah is. I signal to Jett and we run over to this door. I kick it down and see Carter laying down on the bed shirtless "WHERE THE HELL IS MY GIRLFRIEND" I shout going over to him and holding him in a choke hold "GET OFF ME" he shouts struggling but I don't let go "WHERE IS SHE" Jett shouts and Carter continues to struggle "ANSWER ME" he shouts and Carter manages to point to the bathroom. I drop him on the floor and kick the bathroom door, on the floor I see my angel passed out.

I pick her up bridal style. As I look over her, checking for what that bastard has done; her left wrist looks mangled, she has bruises all over her, scratches up and down her stomach along with cuts everywhere. He freaking abused her again, he will never see the light of day again. I walk back out to see Leon and Robson holding Carter back as Jett punches him "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY SISTER?" Jett shouts as he sees Hannah limp in my arms "Do what you want to him Jett. Make sure he regrets everything" I say and he smirks "Take CARE of him and his minions. I'm taking Hannah to the hospital" I say emphasizing 'care' so that he knows what I mean. I gesture for Leon and Robson to follow me, they push Carter to the floor and he lands with a big thud.

We all walk into the main part of the house and Shay is taking out a guard "BELL. LET'S GO" Robson shouts and Shay nods following us out. We get into the car and I put Hannah's head in my lap as we're in the back, Robson sits shotgun, Shay drives and Leon sites next to me with Hannah's legs in his lap "Take us to the hospital Shay. She needs help" I say and Shay nods starting to drive off.

I look down at Hannah. Despite all of the bruises on her face, the only thing I see and the only thing I have ever seen in her is beauty.


That was Chapter Fourteen, hope you liked it.

Any opinions that you guys have, tell me in the comments.

Thanks for reading.

Till the next chapter...........

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