Chapter Nine

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A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Nine. Bit of a time skip in this chapter. Hannah's outfit ^^^^ 

----- Hannah's P.O.V -----

So it has been 6 months since my first auction and I have been to so many more since then. I really don't mind the auctions, they're quite fun. I have been helping Tyler a lot with the planning of them and he enjoys my input, he also asked me to help him with some new ideas for the W.E.B and of course I agreed. I have still been working at the hotel but it is mostly afternoons now because Tyler hates it when I'm not there when he wakes up and he doesn't wake up until like 11am so I go and eat lunch around 1pm and I then work until between 8 and 9pm. Jeremy doesn't mind because all I do is clean the penthouse - which I can do last and leave the cleaning stuff up here - and I clean the other VIP rooms which doesn't take very long.

Me and Jett are as close as ever, a couple of months ago I joined the gang alongside Jett because he wouldn't stop asking, he got Tyler to cave first which was interesting and I caved when he pulled the puppy dog face that I usually pull. I am really enjoying it all, I love what Jett is teaching me and I can defend myself pretty well, I can even shoot a gun which is always amusing because I do what Jett does. Jett has convinced me to keep a gun on me at all times because as I am related to him I need to be ready to defend myself if anything ever happens; when the guys annoy Jett - to be honest it's mostly Leon and Robson that annoy him - he will pull his gun out and they start panicking, it's so funny so now I do that to. Until about a month ago apart from Tyler and Jett the guys didn't know that I had a gun, let alone shoot one, Leon made a comment about me and when I used to be innocent, I thought it would be entertaining to pull my gun out on him and let me tell you it was hilarious, his face was priceless.

Today Tyler has another press conference and I think I am staying here. All of the others are going but Tyler hasn't mentioned it to me. I turn over in bed and see that Tyler isn't next to me, that's weird. I get up and notice a few boxes on the stool at the end of the bed with a note on top of them. I walk over to the note and pick it up.

'Morning My Love,

Sorry I'm not there right now but there were some problems with the hotel and I didn't want to wake you.

I have bought you some clothes for later on today as you're coming to the press conference with me, Jett, Shay, Leon and Robson.

Look beautiful as always,

I will see you in one hour.

I love you,

Tyler xxx'

I smile and put the note on the bed. I open the smallest box and see a silver necklace with a silver crescent moon pendant, I then open the one that looks like a shoebox; inside are some black suede pumps, in another box there is a black blazer type jacket, in the fourth box there is a black pencil skirt and when I open the last box I take out a dark blue blouse with a goldish collar. I have a shower, curl my hair so that it falls down my back and then get changed.

I check the time on my phone and see that Tyler will be here in a few minutes meaning we will all be leaving in a few minutes. I grab my bag and walk downstairs to see everyone but Tyler sitting on the couches. "What's up ma Amigos?" I ask sitting down next to Jett "We're waiting for your boyfriend to get back so that we can go" Shay says and Jett puts his arm around my shoulder "You look nice" he says and I smile "Thanks J. All of you look incredibly smart" I say and they all chuckle, all of them are wearing suits apart from Leon because he is wearing a shirt and tie without a jacket.

Just then Tyler walks in and presses a kiss to the top of my head before sitting down next to Shay. "What were the problems Boss?" Leon asks Tyler "Remember Mr Caydot?" he asks and we all nod "Well he remembered Hannah from the party and wanted her to work for just him. Jeremy refused of course and then he threw a fit saying that this was bad service so I went down and spoke to him" Tyler says and I look to him "What did you say to him?" I ask and Tyler smiles at me "I told him you're mine" he says like I should have known that already.

"Where is the press conference?" I ask Tyler as we all sit in the limo "It's at dad's office building" he says and I nod before resting my head on his shoulder. He presses a kiss to my forehead and interlocks our fingers. A few minutes later we arrive at Max's office building, I am guessing that the press conference will be in one of the many meeting rooms that Max has here. We all pile out of the limo and walk into the reception of 'Wood Enterprises' - I think that Xavier is taking it over when Max retires because Tyler has his hotel.

"Hi Max" I say hugging him as we walk into the meeting room "Hello Sweetie" he says kissing my forehead in a fatherly way "Dad" Tyler says holding out his hand, Max shakes it and they both smile "Son" he says before walking off and sitting down front row. I kiss Tyler's cheek and sit down next to Max. All of the other boys sit in a line next to me because they want to make sure I'm okay or something like that, I can easily defend myself. I still have my gun.

"Good afternoon everyone" Tyler says standing at the podium, ignoring the flashes of the cameras. "I called this press conference today because I have an important announcement" he says and I sit up a bit straighter, this is the first I have heard of this announcement, maybe the guys know about it, they probably do. "For the past 7 months I have been in a relationship, one of the best relationships of my life and I cannot thank this girl enough for making me who I am right now" he says looking into my eyes. Max taps my thigh and motions for me to go up so I do; I stand next to Tyler who wraps his arm around my waist. "This is Hannah Kaiser, my girlfriend" Tyler says and cameras start flashing like crazy.

"MR WOOD. MR WOOD" One of the reporters shouts "Yes?" Tyler asks keeping his arm around my waist "Is this relationship a publicity stunt? So that you can show people that you aren't heartless?" the reporter asks and Tyler shakes his head "This isn't a publicity stunt. I never understood why the public depicted me as heartless but I can assure everyone I love this girl very much" he says with authority in his voice.

I look up at him and smile. I love this guy as much as he loves me.


That was Chapter Nine, hope you liked it.

Thanks for reading.

Till the next chapter..............

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