Chapter Eleven

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A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Eleven. Hannah's outfit ^^^^^

----- Hannah's P.O.V -----

So far this vacation is great, I love spending time with Tyler like this, he hasn't done anything to do with work and he said to me that he won't until we get back home. Jett is basically running everything back home for now because he wants to give me and Tyler some privacy, along with a bit of a break. "BABY" Tyler shouts from the bedroom, I put my book down and walk to the bedroom. Tyler is lying on the bed in just his boxers smirking at me. He motions for me to lie down next to him so I do; I am only in his t-shirt and then my underwear so that explains his smirk.

"Yes mister?" I ask looking up at him "We're going out for dinner. Can you be ready in an hour?" he asks and I nod "I can do that. Does it need to be formal or casual?" I ask and he smiles "Formal. I have reservations at an English speaking restaurant, it is extremely hard to get reservations but I pulled some strings" he says unconsciously playing with my hair "What strings were those?" I ask as he kisses my hair lightly "I know the guy that owns the restaurant. We've known each other for a while. He wants to meet my girlfriend" he says and I smile "Interesting. Well, I need to make myself beautiful" I say going to get up but Tyler pulls me back down "You always look beautiful my dear" he says pressing a loving kiss to my lips before allowing me to get up.

I have a shower, I then curl my hair and get changed into an ivory off the shoulder shift dress, dark purple pumps, I put on an amethyst tear drop pendant necklace that Tyler got me a few weeks ago and then I never take off my silver ring although when I shower because I don't want it to get ruined. I shut my bedroom door and walk into the living room where Tyler is waiting for me. He has changed into a suit that makes him look extremely attractive. When he sees me his mouth drops and he looks stunned "How do I look?" I ask feeling a little bit insecure.

Tyler walks closer to me and places his hands on either side of my waist "I am asking myself how I go to lucky to have an angel like you in my life. You have never looked more stunning my love" he says looking at me with only love in his eyes, I start to blush so I turn away from him but Tyler turns my head to face me "I can make you feel like this. I hope you know how you make me feel" he says his voice raspy "I think I have some idea" I say and he kisses me passionately.

"Reservation for Wood" Tyler says with his arm wrapped around my waist holding me close "Of course Mr Wood. Please follow me" the waitress says grabbing two menus and we both follow her to a table in the corner, it's a little booth, really cute. We both sit down opposite each other and I smile at the waitress "Thank you" I say and she returns my smile "Please ask for Cara when you're ready to order. She will be looking after you tonight" the waitress says before walking away.

The waitress called Cara is an absolute slut. She keeps flirting with Tyler right in front of me when it is clear that we're together because Tyler is holding my hand across the table. Tyler is just ignoring her but that makes her flirt even more. "Here's your food" Cara says putting Tyler's food down smiling at him and then mine down but she doesn't really pay attention to what she's doing, she puts my plate on the very edge of the table and I only just manage to move out of the way before it goes down my dress.

The plate smashes onto the floor as it just missed the booth chair, Cara glares at me before cleaning up the mess. She cleans it up and walks off to the kitchen. A few minutes later she comes back with another plate of my food, she puts it down in front of me "Try not to break the plate this time sweetheart" she says talking to me like I'm a 5 year old "This is for you handsome" she says to Tyler giving him a piece of paper. Tyler looks at it and scoffs "Cara is it?" Tyler asks and Cara nods "Do you mind getting Tom for me?" he asks and she nods "You mean Tom Prince, the owner?" she asks and Tyler nods.

"Show me the paper Ty" I say and Tyler gives it to me. The note reads. 

'Hi Handsome,

You seem like you're looking for a good time and I'm sure I can do better than that slut at your table.

Why is a guy like you with a girl like that? When you realise your mistake call me ****-****-***

~ Cara xoxo'

I roll my eyes and hand the paper back to Tyler "For the record baby she is the slut not you" Tyler says looking into my eyes, he takes both of my hands in his "I love you and she would never compare to you" he says and I smile "I love you too Ty" I say and he kisses my hand.

A few minutes later a guy looking about Shay's age with blonde hair and green eyes walks up "Hey Tyler. How are you?" the guys asks and Tyler shakes his hand "I'm good thanks Tom" he says and Tom looks to me "Is this your girlfriend?" he asks and Tyler nods, I smile at Tom "Hi. I'm Hannah" I say holding out my hand and Tom shakes it "Cara told me you wanted me" Tom says and Tyler nods "I did. Hannah broke a plate but it was because Cara placed it on the very edge of the table. Hannah only just managed to move out of the way before it went down her dress. When Cara came back she spoke to Hannah like she was 5 and then gave me this" he says handing Tom the piece of paper. 

Tom reads over the paper and his face slowly turns to disgust "I can't apologise enough for this. You've been my friend for a while Ty, that just makes it even worse" he says and Tyler shakes his head "It's cool mate. I just think you should talk to her" Tyler says and Tom nods "I will call her over now. I think its right for me to talk to her in front of you guys" he says and we both nod. Tom walks away for a minute "Baby, sit here" Tyler says patting the spot next to him. I get up and move to sit next to Tyler, he wraps an arm around my shoulder and we wait for Tom to come back with Cara.

Within a couple of minutes Tom is back with Cara looking quite smug. "Cara, have you heard of Tyler Wood?" Tom asks and Cara shakes her head "Yes Mr Prince, I have never seen pictures though so I wouldn't recognise him" she says and Tom crosses his arms "This man here is Tyler Wood. My good friend" Tom says gesturing to Tyler "And I am afraid Cara that this note" Tom says holding up the paper "Has insulted Mr Wood and his girlfriend of a good few months" he says and the colour drains from Cara's face "This isn't the first time Cara. I am afraid that you are fired" Tom says nodding to us before walking off with Cara.

Myself and Tyler finish our food before going to pay but our new waitress tells us that Tom paid for it which I find incredibly sweet. Tyler leaves a note for Tom telling him that whenever he's in England he should visit us. We leave the restaurant and I link my arm through Tyler's as we walk back to the beach house "Do we need to get a car again Ty?" I ask and he shakes his head "It's only a 20 to 30 minute walk if you don't mind walking" he says and I smile up at him "I like walking" I say and he nods.

A few minutes later I shiver involuntarily, Spain at night isn't the warmest you know, especially when there is a strong breeze. Tyler stops walking and takes off his suit jacket, he places it around my shoulders, and I slip my arms into the sleeves before linking my arm into his once again. "This is one amazing holiday" I say and Tyler presses a simple kiss to my forehead as his answer.


That was Chapter Eleven, hope you guys liked it.

Thanks for reading.

Till the next chapter.............

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