Chapter Eight

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A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Eight. Picture of everyone's masks ^^^^ 

----- Hannah's P.O.V -----

"Finally finished work" I say plopping down on the couch in the main living area "Don't get too comfortable, there's an auction tonight" Leon says sitting down next to me "I know. Ty gave me a mask last night" I say and I hear the door open "ROBBO IS IN THE BUILDING" Robson shouts "SHUT UP" Shay shouts from his corner "Make me Bell" Robson says sitting down on the other couch "Are you challenging me Ward?" Shay asks getting up "DON'T FREAKING FIGHT" I shout and they both look to me "You two are acting like kids. Jesus christ" I say and I feel someone kiss the top of my head "What's up Buttercup?" I ask tilting my head back to face Tyler.

He sits down on the other side of me and pulls me into his lap "I missed you" he whispers in my ear and I smile "I missed you too" I whisper in reply and he presses a sweet yet gentle kiss on my lips "Can't you two get a room?" Leon asks, I poke him lightly with my foot and he yelps causing Tyler, Shay and Robson to laugh "That was mean" Leon says and I poke him again but this time he grabs my foot and pushes me off the couch "Ouch" I say and I see Jett standing behind the sofa "J. Help" I say holding my arms up. He comes to where I am and picks me up "Not cool Leo" he says putting me back down next to Tyler, Tyler wraps his arms around me causing me to rest my head in his lap.

"When is the auction?" I ask and Shay actually leaves his corner for once and sits down next to Robson. "It's in a few hours. The guests will start arriving within the next hour" Shay says and I nod "What made you leave your corner Bell?" Robson says and Shay glares at him "I came to talk to the kiddo" he says and I roll my eyes "You know. I'm only 21" I say and he nods "Yeah. 2 years younger than me. You're a kiddo" he says and Tyler chuckles "You're the youngest her Hannah" Robson says "I am 25. Tyler, Jett and Shay are 23. Leon is 22 and you are 21" he says and I nod "Well, always fun but I am going upstairs" I say standing up and walking up the stairs to Tyler's suite. 

"Well the all the guests are in the auction hall. Let's go" Tyler says getting up from his couch, I stand up and pick his mask up from the coffee table "Here" I say putting it on for him and then tying it at the back "Thank you darling" he says kissing me gently. He picks mine up from the coffee table also and puts it on for me, tying it and then covering the ribbon with my hair. I link my arm with his and we walk down the stairs, all of the guys have their masks on. They are identical to Tyler's but with different colours. My brother's mask is black, Robson's is red, Shay's is silver and Leon's is gold. "I love the masks boys" I say and they all smile "Your mask suits you quite well sis" Jett says and Leon nods in agreement "White always suits her. Nice choice Boss" Leon says and Tyler nods "Come on. Everyone is there" Tyler says and we all walk to the elevator.

"Wow. How many people are here?" I ask and Shay chuckles "Well, I would say around 100 people based on the seating however there are only 100 seats" he says and I nod "What seat number are we?" I ask sitting down next to Tyler on one of the available sofas there is in the little box, I see that this is the only type of box around here; all of the other seats are down by the stage. "We're 100" Robson says sitting next to Leon and Shay is next to Jett.

"Everything seems to be going okay. Shall we go back up to the Penthouse and watch on the monitors?" Tyler asks and all of the boys nod "Baby?" Tyler asks and I nod too "Sure" I say and we all stand up before walking to another private elevator that leads to our normal elevator.

We're now sitting in the main living area watching the auction on the big TV, it's surreal really. "Boss. Do you see that guy there?" Robson asks pointing to a man standing at the edge of the seats, I recognise him it's my ex-boyfriend Carter; he used to beat me. "Yes" Tyler says "I know him" I say and they all turn to me "That's my ex-boyfriend Carter. He used to beat me" I say and Jett pulls me into a hug "He used to what?" Tyler asks with venom dripping from his voice "He used to hit me every night. We started dating when I was 16 but I broke up with him when I was 18 because I didn't want to get hit all the time. If you look closely on my stomach you can see a couple of scars, once when he threw a beer bottle at me and a piece of glass got stuck and the other from when he tried to stab me" I say and a single tear rolls down my cheek but Jett wipes it away "I am calling him up here and seeing what he wants" Tyler says getting out his phone.

------ Tyler's P.O.V -----

I can't believe that Hannah used to have an abusive boyfriend. I respect the fact that she didn't tell me and now she has I want to beat the absolute shit out of that guy. "Jeremy. Bring the man that is lingering around seat #50 up to the penthouse" I say through my phone "Of course Mr Wood. I will escort him" Jeremy says before I hang up. I walk back over to Hannah and pull her into me "Boss, Hannah you two need your masks back on" Leon says handing me and Hannah our masks "Thanks Leo" Hannah says as she takes them. She puts mine on for me and I do the same for her.

A few minutes later Jeremy walks into the penthouse with Carter right next to him "Thank you Mr Fronter. I will page you when this man needs to be escorted away" I say and Jeremy nods before walking out of the penthouse. I pull Hannah into me by her waist and she smiles up at me "What's your name?" I ask and Carter looks around nervously "I'm Carter Johnson" he says and Jett crosses his arms, looking ready to punch this guy "Please explain why you were at the auctions without a seat?" I ask and Carter sighs "I was looking for my ex-girlfriend. She left me without warning and cheated on me. She works as a maid so I have been looking in all of the local hotels" he says and I tighten my grip on Hannah "What was your girlfriend's name? I might be able to help you out" I say attempting to sound polite "Why should I tell you?" he asks and I chuckle darkly "Because Mr Johnson. I run the auctions and I can easily get the name of any person that works at this hotel" I say and Carter looks slightly reassured.

"Her name is Hannah, Hannah Kaiser" he says and then he looks to Hannah "You look just like her" he says walking over to Hannah but I push her behind me as Shay pulls Carter back "I would appreciate it if you left her alone" I say. Hannah buries her face into my back, Carter looks at me confused "That girl looks just like Hannah" Carter says again and Jett pulls Hannah away from me and into him, it's easier for me to talk to this guy like that. Hannah turns around and Carter just stares at her "Mr Johnson. I do not know you and I have never met your girlfriend. I can assure you that I am not her" Hannah says disguising her voice so that Carter doesn't know it's her.

I take a step closer to Carter and he backs up "Mr Johnson I advise that you leave here and not come back. I know the staff list off by heart and this Hannah Kaiser does not work here" I say and he nods. I page Jeremy and within seconds he is up here and is escorting Carter out.

As soon as Carter is out of the penthouse Hannah runs into my arms "It's okay. He won't get to you" I whisper in her ear as I rub her back "I'm going to bed Ty. See you in the morning" Jett says walking to his room and all of the others soon follow him but into their own rooms obviously. "Come on" I say picking Hannah up bridal style "We are going to bed too" I say and she snuggles into my chest as I walk up the stairs.


That was Chapter Eight, hope you liked it.

Thanks for reading.

Till the next chapter............ 

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