Chapter Five

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 A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Five. Picture of Jeremy ^^^^^

----- Hannah's P.O.V -----

I have just gotten changed and I need to leave, like now. I grab my phone and put it in my pocket before rushing down the stairs. "Bye J" I say kissing Jett's cheek "Seeya Sis. Have fun" he says and I walk to Tyler "Do you want me to come back here after work or am I going back home?" I ask him and he hands me a penthouse pager, an elevator key card and a penthouse key card "The pager is so that if any of us need you then we can call you and just get here as soon as possible don't rush" he says and I put it on my belt "Because it is a private elevator you need the key card and then the penthouse one is just so that you can come up here whenever you want, you might as well treat it like your dorm" he says and I nod before putting both the key cards in my pocket. "I will see you later then" I say and he nods, he pulls me into him by the waist and presses a soft kiss on my lips "I love you" he says and I smile "I love you too" I say before I walk out of the door and to my meeting.

"I am so sorry I am late" I say walking into the meeting room and seeing everyone sitting there "It's fine Hannah. Sit down with Elijah" Jeremy says and I nod. "I know this is sudden but we have some staff changes" Jeremy says and my attention turns to him "As of today Hannah will be in charge of cleaning the VIP rooms which includes the penthouse" he says smiling at me and I nod "WHAT" Leanna shouts standing up "That's my job" she says and Jeremy shakes his head "I am sorry Leanna but not anymore. Hannah has been doing well with her job and she deserves the promotion" he says and Leanna sighs before sitting back down but she is just glaring at me. I didn't ask for this. "Hannah, please stay behind after this" Jeremy says and I nod again. Elijah nudges me and smiles "Well done, that's an awesome promotion" he says and I smile "Thanks Elijah. You could do it any day" I say and he chuckles "I wouldn't be so sure" he says.

"You wanted to talk to me Jeremy?" I ask after everyone has walked out and he nods. "Yes. Mr Wood rang me this morning saying that you were going to be off until this meeting and I agreed. He also said that he wants you to clean the Penthouse now and no one else however I want you to clean the other VIP guest rooms as well" he says and I nod "Of course Jez" I say and he smiles "You haven't called me that in a while Han" he says and I return the smile "You haven't called me Han in a while either" I say and he chuckles "It's strange, how close we used to be" he says and I nod "I know, we are still close but I want to know if you have found someone yet?" I ask and he blushes "I'm taking that as a yes so spill" I say sitting on the table.

Jeremy sits next to me still blushing "Well you remember when I said that I had feelings for you?" he asks and I nod "I have thought about my feelings and I met Nev" he says and my eyes go wide "Jez, you're gay?" I ask and he nods looking a little sheepish "That's awesome" I say pulling him into a hug and he chuckles "I am so glad that you aren't bothered by it" he says and I shrug "Why would I be bothered, I bet he is adorable" I say and he nods "He is. I met him last year and we were friends at first but about 6 months ago I asked him out" he says and I smile "What about you Han? Anyone special in your life?" he asks and I nod "Well I guess I can tell you. Remember that guy I said I had feelings for?" I ask and he nods "He asked me to be his girlfriend yesterday" I say and Jeremy's face breaks out into a massive grin "I am so happy" he says and I smile.

The pager goes off and Jeremy looks to me "I need to go. Talk to you soon" I say getting up and going to the private elevator. I get up to the penthouse and see everyone sat in the living area "Who paged me?" I ask and Shay puts his hand up "I did" he says and I walk over to Tyler "Why?" I ask and he points to the TV which has been replaced by multiple screens that are videoing different parts of the hotel "We saw you getting cosy with Fronter" he says as I sit down on the sofa "I have known him since I started working here. He had feelings for me a while back but we never dated" I say and Tyler sighs in relief "Was this really a reason to call me up here?" I ask and Shay shrugs "Boss looked pretty miffed and none of us can never calm him down but you clearly can" he says nodding towards Tyler who currently has his face buried into my hair.

----- Jett's P.O.V -----

"Sis?" I ask and Hannah turns to me "Will you tell me about our parents?" I ask and she smiles. She goes to get up but Tyler doesn't let her go "Ty, I want to talk to Jett" she says and he shakes his head "Kind of stuck J" she says and I chuckle "Mate, I want to talk about our parents" I say and Tyler sighs "Fine but she is coming back here after" he says letting her get up. She kisses him quickly before walking over to me and sitting down next to me "Babe, I'm literally two steps away from you" she says and Tyler pouts "That's too far" he mumbles and Hannah giggles quietly.

"Okay, you want to know about mum and dad?" Hannah asks turning her attention to me and I nod "Well they weren't the richest but we weren't poor. Dad was a pilot so he was away a lot of the time and mum worked in an office so she would get home quite late. I was always a daddy's girl so dad would be with me most of the time leaving mum on the side lines a bit" she says and I smile "Did you grow up on your own a lot Han?" I ask and she shakes her head "I didn't actually. You know Beth Saunders that works here?" she asks and I nod "I do. She doesn't talk much though" I say and she smiles "Well I met Beth when I started Year 7 in secondary school and we grew really close. Then when I was just leaving school I met Xavier at the open day in college" she says.

"I want to know about the gang" Hannah says moving to sit cross legged on the couch "Well, there isn't much to say. My adoptive parents never had any children of their own so naturally I was the heir to the gang" I say and Hannah nods "I rang my adoptive father earlier and asked him whether or not you would be a part of the gang. He said that you could be if you wanted to be but even if you don't want to be in the gang you need to learn how to defend yourself because if someone finds out you are related to me it could mean trouble" I say and Hannah nods again "I'm interested in the gang but I don't really want to join it. I will train though" she says and I smile "You are so my sister" I say and Hannah giggles.

"Baby, I wanna cuddle" Tyler says and Hannah rolls her eyes jokingly "Oh the joys of Tyler Wood" she says standing up "Thanks Sis" I say and she turn around before going over to Tyler "For what?" she asks "For being here" I say and she smiles "I will always be here" she says as she walks over to Tyler. She stands in front of him and he pulls her down making her giggle, I want a relationship like that. I know they have only been dating for a day but I can tell he really loves her.

When I found out I was adopted Tyler was there throughout it all, he has been helping me find my little sister and now I know who she is I am not letting her go anywhere. I know why I was adopted and I accept it, I couldn't imagine what it was like for my parents to try and look after a 2 year old boy and a baby girl, they made the best decision and I am just happy that we are together again.


That was Chapter Five. hope you liked it. I think that the chapters for this book are going to be a little longer than the chapters in my other books.

Thanks for reading.

Till the next chapter............

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