chapter 4

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After lexie and miles slept they woke up an hour earlier to put the tent inside and everything before Mrs Grose would know. She slept early yesterday so she didn't know that they did the camping thing. They put inside the tent and the pillows in the bedroom and went to sleep again.

They woke up three hours later and went to get breakfast downstairs they sat at the table and Sophia and flora were giggling, miles and lexie knew what they were giggling about because of last night, Lexie was so nervous and scared if her sister or flora said  a word about them sleeping next to each other shirtless, so was Miles he wasn't terrified but was worried

After they finished breakfast, Sophia and Flora decided that they will go to the stables and ride the horses, and Lexie decided she will exercise because she hasn't exercised in a while, and Mrs Grose was going to rest in her bedroom and Miles was going to play his guitar downstairs while he was going to watch the little girls play outside

Lexie went to her room and wore a sports bra and some dark blue leggings she was a big fan of leggings. She wore them and did a high ponytail and went downstairs again and starting stretching her hands and soon her legs. She was pretty flexible so it didn't hurt her a lot. Then she started doing Russian twists.

Miles looked at her and said " why are you exercising "  " so my body would look good and burn calories " " burn what? You don't even eat to burn calories and you are so thin already why do you want to be thinner" said miles " dude your like 100 pounds and 5'11 so shut up" says lexie while giggling

Miles felt embarrassed and rolled his eyes and went back to playing his guitar, lexie continued exercising, she exercised for two hours when she finished she went to take a shower because she was hot and exhausted. She went to her bedroom and took off her clothes and went in the shower, she was washing her hair and there was shampoo in her eyes she heard something in the bathroom she quickly washed her eyes and looked she saw nothing.

"Huh? That's strange I could have sworn I heard something or someone" says lexie in confusion, she finished her
Shower quickly and wrapped a towel around her body and went to her room quickly she changed into a black hoodie and white shorts, she brushed her hair and put on a little bit of makeup.

She wore lipgloss and a bit of mascara on her eyelashes. She went downstairs again. Miles attention was all on lexie she looked gorgeous. Miles said, " you look so sexy". Lexie blushed and said " t-thank you"
Lexie was shy she didn't know what to say or what to do she was just sitting next to miles crossing her arms.

" so do you take online school or go to school?" Asked lexie " no a new teacher Is coming soon she will be teaching me" miles said " oh okay homeschooled uh cool," said lexie " so you do you have any friends," asked lexie again " no" " okay well you have one now," said lexie, miles didn't show any emotions.

" do you have a girlfriend?" Asked lexie nervously "why are you asking me so many questions," said miles with a tone of anyone " oh sorry," said lexie. " shit he is in that grumpy annoyed mood again ugh I want the soft side of miles," thought lexie. Lexie didn't know what to do she just sat there awkwardly not knowing what to do or say she wanted to talk to miles but she didn't dare to say anything.

Lexie thought to herself " wow I am in a huge mansion with a guy I just met a few days ago and I will be staying here until my aunt would come and get me, this is so weird and this guy is so intimidating". Miles got up and went to his bedroom to play the guitar he left the room without saying a word which made lexie kind of upset.

She went to her room too, she decided to study since she will be going to school again in two months and she was a straight A+ student so she has to study well to be at the top of her class. She opened the science book and began to read the first study. She started reading it and writing notes so the information she knew would stick in her head.

After three hours of studying science, she got tired and went outside her room to see if miles was outside, she checked downstairs and he was there he was playing with flora and Hannah. Lexie walked downstairs and went to get a glass of water from the kitchen, she sat on the couch and glanced at miles and flora and Hannah they were playing with dolls.

Miles looked like he was annoyed and didn't want to play but he didn't want to make flora sad so he just played with them. Flora saw that lexie came into the room and smiled at her and said " wanna play with us". Lexie didn't want to play she was pretty tired from studying and her head hurts but she didn't want to make flora sad so she nodded with a smile and sat on the floor with them.

Miles glanced at her and smirked. She grabbed a barbie doll from the box and start playing with them. She thought to herself " miles is so nice and carrying to his sister he is playing dolls with her and he is kind to her why can't he be kind to everyone else?" Lexie needed an answer. While she was thinking she accidentally said " why is he so intimidating and hot tho?" Miles looked at her with a smirk. " shit " she mumbled. Her face was red as a potato. " hot huh?" Said miles with a smirk. Lexie didn't know what to say or what to do she was frozen in her place " gosh" she says. Miles knew that she was thinking of him he kinda liked her he had this feeling towards lexie that he never felt before.

Mrs Grose came in the room and said " come along kids dinner is ready" they all got up and went to the dining room. They all started eating but lexie was still thinking of miles. She ate half of her plate and put it in the kitchen and went to her bedroom.

She took off her t-shirt as usual and went to bed and began to sleep.
Hannah and flora went to bed too. Miles went to his room.

At 4:00 AM lexie heard a knock on her bedroom door she got up and opened it and saw miles standing there. "Hey is everything okay?" Said lexie in her sleepy voice. " yeah everything is okay wanna hang out in my room?"  Said miles " sure," said lexie

Lexie went into his bedroom, she sat on the corner of his bed. Miles sat near to her. " soo what now?" Said lexie " wanna hear me playing the guitar?" Said miles. " Oh hell yeah," said Lexie. Miles grabbed the guitar and started playing it. He was good at it, lexie was listening to his beautiful playing. H

Lexie's thoughts:  " gosh he is so fucking perfect he can play the guitar, he is tall, handsome, hot, cute, pretty. Oh my god, his dark brown chocolate eyes. Wow and his beautiful fluffy curly black hair. And his freckles I  can't with him"

After miles finished playing the guitar. " gosh you're so good at it" said Lexie. Miles smiled softly. " THERE IT IS THE SOFT CUTE SIDE OF MILES" thought lexie. Lexie got closer to miles and sat next to him she rested her head on his shoulders.

He wrapped his hands around her, he starting rubbing her back. Lexie was cold miles could feel her cold body on him " are you Cold?" Asked miles. " yeah kinda," said lexie, miles went and got her a dark green sweater from his wardrobe and gave it to her. She wore it and sat on miles chest. Miles played with her hair. She kissed his cheek.

Miles smiled slightly. He kissed her. Their lips touched for the first time and they both didn't want this moment to end. Eventually miles pulled away from the kiss and put his hands on lexie's checks and rubbed them he kissed her one more time and then went back to cuddling.

They hugged and went under the covers. Lexie turned the other side and miles wrapped his hands around her waist and their legs tangled together and his breath on her neck.

Miles' thoughts: " I never felt this feeling towards anyone in my entire life. She is special, I really love her. I don't want this moment to end"

Lexie's thoughts :  " I kissed him.. I have feelings for him, I hope he feels the same way.."
Miles cut off the silence and said " good night baby". It was the cutest thing lexie ever heard
"Night sweetie" said lexie


Word count : 1540
Date : 2/03/2021 2:13PM

sarcastic love | Miles Fairchild Where stories live. Discover now