chapter 3

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While miles was watching TV lexie was going to read a book to avoid the awkward situation she is in. She grabbed the book that she left earlier and starting staring at it as if she was reading it

She starting thinking thoughts about miles ' why doesn't he take a lot '  'why is he always grumpy '  ' god he is cute ' ' future husband? '

After her thinking, she got bored and went upstairs and went to her bedroom this time she left the door open she wasn't gonna do anything so she just left it open to get some air in the room but then she heard Mrs Grose call her name she said " coming " Mrs Grose told her that there were people who want to talk to her

Lexie's eyes widened she didn't have any close friends, She thought who would it be then. She opened  the door and froze it was Nancy and Freddie her bullies  she said " why the hell are you here "  " we are here to tell you sorry for your parent's death and we have a little surprise for you" said Nancy "what is it " said lexie nancy and Freddie poured flour all over her

Lexie was mad she punched Freddie in the face making his nose bleed " what the fuck" said Freddie and he punched lexie in the face and she fell straight on the floor and he kicked her in the ribs and her stomach started coughing out blood. Miles saw the situation he ran quickly and punished Freddie in the face and Freddie fell straight on the floor outside and he kicked him in his back a few times before Freddie said "I am sorry please stop I beg you" miles hit him one more time and told him to get the hell out of here

After miles was done with the fight he looked at lexie who was covered in flour and tears and some blood dripping from her mouth and nose he quickly rushed to her and helped her get up "ow i- i- I can't.. walk..i- I am in p-pain" said Lexie. Don't worry about it said miles softy he helped her to go to her room and he got a wet towel and started wiping the flour out of her.

Miles was nice to lexie for the first time. This was his soft side lexie loved him like that he was so sweet and he cared about her and went beat up Freddie.

"Hey miles"  "yeah?" He said softly "t-thank you so much" he nodded with a smile. The first time he smiled besides smirking. She felt butterflies in her stomach

After miles cleaned her he got up and was going to leave her room but before he left lexie grabbed his hand and hugged him miles hugged her back and smiled at her before leaving
She sat on her bed and decided to take a nap so the pain would go away she closed her eyes and began to sleep

After lexie's nap she woke up at 5 PM,  she heard the sound of the drums again she got up and went to miles' room and knocked on the door. Of course, he didn't hear it, so she walked in and said " uh hey miles can you please stop "  miles looked at her and said, " have you ever heard of knocking?" " I knocked but you didn't hear it so I walked in anyway," said lexie "and can you please stop?" " no I won't " "but it's giving me a headache"  " not my problem I don't care now get out before I punch you in the face" 

Lexie got out of his room and she was disappointed and sad of miles' reaction she thought to herself " why is he doing  this " "why is he so mean sometimes" " he was littery kind to me a couple of hours ago" "what the hell is wrong with him"

After 30 minutes lexie got out of her room she went downstairs to get an apple. She got it and decided to go outside and sit there. She sat on the bench while eating her apple. She felt someone or something touch her hair she turned back and saw miles "what the hell is he doing here?" She thought she looked back at the ground

"H-hey don't be angry at me," said miles softy. She could hear the pain in his voice "why wouldn't I?" Said Lexie "look I didn't  mean it okay?"  Said miles "fine" lexie said while sighing

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