chapter 9

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Miles and lexie were on good terms everything was beautiful!, they didn't fight at all and Miles wasn't in his mean mood. Which was a good thing.

It was around 3 am and lexie didn't get any sleep at all that night so she went and knocked softly on miles's bedroom.

“ come in ” she heard miles's soft sleepy voice, she walked in and saw miles sitting on his bed he looked tired. " oh sorry I didn't mean to wake you up" lexie apologized. " it's okay" miles said. " anyways I am pretty bored wanna hang out?" Lexie questioned.

" yeah sure " miles said. Lexie walked in the room and sat on his bed next to miles " so what do you wanna do?" Miles questioned. " I really don't know,there is nothing interesting to do here honestly " lexie said.

Miles chuckled " okay then I have a better thing we can do" Miles said. " And what is it? " lexie questioned. " you will see " said miles, he got up and went to the corner of his room and grabbed his guitar.

" nice " said lexie, miles smiled slightly, he went and sat next to lexie on the bed she layed down on his stomach, he started playing the guitar.

" god he is perfect in everything " lexie thought, she admired his beauty, his beautiful black curly hair , his deep brown eyes that drove her crazy , his perfectly lined freckles on his nose and cheeks , his perfect eyebrows , his lips were soft and they were naturally pinkish reddish colour.

And his red sweater which made him even look cutter, honestly lexie thought to herself  that such an amazing person that is beautiful on the outside and the inside deserves better..

His mom and dad died and he is living all alone in the woods with his guardian and little sister in a scary dull house, and there is something off about him. " maybe he is possessed? " lexie thought of that.

Both lexie and miles needed a better life, lexie had no where to go she stayed her all becuase of flora and miles and her aunt is in canada she might come and might not she is still saving up for a ticket.

And both of her parents died in a tragic car accident, she wasn't ready for it. And now a guy that she likes keeps changing moods every when and when.

He was broken and mentally ill she knew it, and she wanted to help him but she doesn't know how and she is scared that she doesn't, because he might lose his mind and go crazy.

He needed help.

Both lexie and miles needed each other in this cruel world, miles loved lexie so much even tho they just meet like a month ago. But he felt something he never felt towards anybody before.

Same with lexie, he was so addicting to her she liked him so much and loved him, she was going to help him. She knew she was,

Lexie fell asleep in miles's arms, she fell asleep from his beautiful playing, miles looked at her and smiled she slowly moved and put down the guitar besides him.

He then wrapped his hands around her waist, keeping her in his embrace, he kissed the top of her head and whispers " goodnight sleepy head"

Word count: 555
Date: 21/04/2021 3:08 AM

sarcastic love | Miles Fairchild Where stories live. Discover now