chapter 12

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Lexie was waiting in her bedroom for lunch, so she can go get her plate and sit in the room to avoid miles.

She had nothing to do, there was no signal or wifi here so she started playing some offline games or watch some tiktoks that were saved in her gallery.

Time passed by it was 4 o'clock already it was lunch time, she quickly got out of her room and grabbed her plate and started walking away " wait lexie can you eat with us on the dinning table " Mrs Grosse asked.

Lexie nodded she didn't want to say 'no' because it would be mean, so she sat on the table next to flora. Miles didn't come yet which was good for lexie. But then Mrs Grosse went and called him to come and eat lunch.

Miles sat the other side from flora, lexie tried avoiding eye contact with him she was just looking down at her plate.

She soon finished and put her plate in the sink and ran upstairs.

Okay now she needed to wait until 3 AM, 11 more hours great. She then went outside to play with flora and sophia. Ofcourse they were playing with the dolls as usual.

She sat next to them on the floor " hey guys can I join?" Lexie asked with a smile on her face, flora jumped up and down " yay you can! " flora said happily. " great what game are you guys playing " lexie asked.

" we are playing princesses " Sophia said happily, " okay this is me and this is my prince " flora showed her the dolls, it was a brunette doll with a pink dress, and the other one was a doll guy with black hair.

" and this is me and this is my prince " sophia said. It was a ginger doll with short hair and a purple dress, and the doll guy had light brown hair.

" okay this is you " flora handed lexie a doll with a beautiful yellow dress and long black hair. " okay where is my princes" lexie giggled.

" wait I will go get him" flora said. " miles come! Here it's important come right now" flora shouted " no no no mo" lexie said, but miles came in the room already, " what flora is everything okay? " miles asked.

" we need a prince for princess lexie " flora said, " no flora I am busy now " miles said, " pleaseee" flora begged, " no flora it's okay I don't want a princes it's okay.." lexie said. " good " miles said and walked out of the room.

Lexie let out a sigh of relief, " okay then let's go back to the game " flora said. Lexie didn't really enjoy playing dolls she was 16 and it was pretty boring for her, but she needed to pass time.

3 hours and a half had passed it was dinner time, they all sat on the table and started eating their food.

All lexie was thinking about was miles and how could she help him, he was only 16 he needed to live a happy normal life, she didn't want to lose him for sure..

She finished her plate quickly and put in the sink and ran to her room, she locked it and sat on the bed, she was going to sleep and wake up at 3 AM to go see Beverley,

" I hope no one knows.. " lexie said to herself.

After the long sleep, lexie finally woke up she brushed her hair and put on some shoes, and grabbed her phone. She walked out of the room slowly, and carefully..

She opened the front door slowly it made some sound but it wasn't loud enough to wake them up, she walked out of the house and ran out,

She opened the gates slowly and ran out of them, she kept running and running, she was in the woods again.. she was scared of them. It was very dark and she put her flashlight on to see clearly.

After 20 minutes, she was finally in town, she got signal on her phone, she called Beverley first thing. " hey Beverley meet me in the coffee shop again like last time now " lexie said. " Okay okay on my way " Beverley said.

Lexie walked in the coffee shop, she sat on a table and waited for Beverley to come.

10 minutes had passed, and Beverley finally came, she hugged her best friend and sat next to her on the table. " okay what's wrong " Beverley asked. " I don't know how to explain this but miles.. he has been off lately he tries to take advantage of me.. and tries touching me and kissing me without my consent " lexie said.

" oh shit" Beverley said " well tell him to stop?" " I tried to but.. their is something off about him and about this house like his eyes changed to black and his voice was much deeper not like him at all " lexie said.

" wait did someone die in this house before or is it like haunted?" Beverley asked. " well miles told me that his nany died 8 months ago she was rapped by a guy named Quint.. he rapped her to death and threw her body in a lake near by.. " lexie said.

Beverley jumped up from her sit " and did he do anything else like that! " Beverley asked. " well.. miles told me that he tried to touch Mrs jessel the nany and he was an awful man and he was a sexist. " lexie asked.

" did he die?" Beverley asked. " yes..  he fell from his horse because he was drunk " lexie said. " wait! I think in know what's wrong with miles!" Said Beverley

Word count: 940
Date: 23/04/2021 5:52 PM

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