chapter 11

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After lexie was in the room, she started thinking how she would help miles. It clearly wasn't like him he's eyes were much darker and his voice was very deep it didn't sound like him at all.

Lexie wore an oversized hoodie and some oversized pants so miles won't touch her or get turned on or anything.

She walked to miles's bedroom to see him crying on his bed. " w-what's wrong " lexie asked. Miles raised his head to face her he was embarrassed by himself.

" lexie I am so sorry again it wasn't me i- I swear..  it w-was just I dont know how to explain it" miles said throw his sobs. " hey hey it's okay I know it wasn't you.." lexie said.

Miles looked up at her " r-really how?" Miles questioned, " first of all your voice was deep and your eyes were very dark and you were super strong which I don't know how" lexie said.

" so please if you know what or who it is tell me please miles I really wanna help please" lexie begged. " you won't belive me if I tell you.." Miles said. " no miles I will please" lexie said, she held his hands and wiped the remaining tears on his face.

" I don't know if I should tell you or not.." miles said. " ugh come on miles please " . Miles felt sharp pain his stomach it was a sign not to tell.. and then he went on his evil side again.

" get the hell away from me or else I will fucking kill you.." said miles in his deep voice, lexie quickly realised that he was on his evil side she tried confronting him but.. miled grabbed her wrist and squeezed it and with the other hand.

He grabbed the collar of her hoodie and looked at her in the eyes, " I said get the fuck out " he said coldly, and then he threw her away, lexie fell on the ground hard on her back, it hurted like a son of a bitch but she quickly got up and ran out of his room.

She closed the door behind her, she went to her room and decided that she will go to town again to meet Beverley and ask her for help,

She needed to sneak out ofcourse late at night becuase Mrs Grosse won't let allow her to go out, so she has to wait until 3 AM or something, and most importantly miles doesn't know about it..

Or else he will beat the shit out of her like last time.

Lexie really loved him and she knew that whatever he did wasn't like him, so she forgives him ofcourse. But she really wants to see the soft side of miles again the one who cuddles her to sleep, the one who cares alot, she loved him so fucking much.

She had no one in the world except him and Beverley and her little sister which did nothing most of the time but she loved her still.. and flora too!, the kids didn't really bother her or anything so they were on good terms!

But something isn't normal.. why is miles's evil side comes when he is only around lexie not someone else.. that made lexie really curious she wanted to know why..

She was going to ask Beverley for help again and see what's up with him, but for now she needed to get away from her before he does anything horrible to lexie.

In the other room, miles was playing the drums loudly he did that when he was angry or sad. He was playing them very hard and loudly, his face was flooded with anger he wanted it to stop but he was too afraid of what It could do to him...

Word count: 638
Date: 23/04/2021 6:26 AM

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