chapter 14

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Miles was sleeping on lexie's chest he was so tired and he felt safe sleeping with her,

Lexie was comfortable with miles it always made her happy when she slept with miles or kissed him, he was addicting to be honest.

Lexie woke up soon it was about 9 in the morning , " shit " she mumbles " get up sleepy head they will wake up in any minute " lexie said to miles, she pushed him slightly.

Miles groaned " what " he said in his sleepy voice, lexie smiled at how cute he is when he waked up, " get up cutie " lexie said, she walked out of his room and went to her's.

She got ready, and waited for Mrs grose to wake up.

When Mrs Grosse woke up she got ready and prepared breakfast for the kids , miles , lexie.

When lexie sat at the table she started thinking about when does she put the holy water over miles, she didn't want him to know or else Quint will hurt her and hurt miles..

It needed to be the time when he is soft and nice so she does it quickly without him knowing or hitting her. It's probably around 3 am when he wants to cuddle with her.

She smiles at the thought of miles cuddling with her. It made her feel safe and comfortable.

Lexie soon finished her breakfast and went to her room. She grabbed the holy water. And knocked on miles's bedroom door.

" Miles it's me lexie can you close your eyes I have a surprise for you! " lexie said. " o okay " miles said,

Miles closed his eyes he waited until lexie came, she walked slowly to him and poured the holy water all over him.

He fell to the ground, his whole body was shaking and his eyes were white his mouth grew open, and then a black shadow came out of it and disappeared into thin air..

Miles stopped shaking, he started coughing rapidly. He was in excruciating pain.

" l-l-exi.. " miles tried speaking. " yes?" She asked. " w-water.. " miles said. Lexie ran downstairs and got him a glass of water.

He drank it and sat on the bed resting his back and breathing rapidly, after he calmed down. He looked over at lexie.

"  lexie you saved me, I didn't know how to tell you this but, I think you knew it.. I needed this but I didn't know how to.. " miles thanked lexie.

" no problem miles. " " and I knew it wasn't you, you were possessed by quint " lexie said. Miles looked at the floor.

" yeah.. he was a horrible guy honestly " miles said. " I know.. miles honey, you should start going to church " lexie said.

" there isn't a church close by " miles said, " well.. I snuck out yesterday without you knowing and I went there it was 40 minutes away " lexie said.

" lexie! " miles said in a tone of annoyance. " hey hey it was for you " lexie said trying to defend herself.

" whatever " miles said. " I am just glad that your back to normal because I know that your soft nice side is amazing and  I would love to experience it again " lexie said.

" have you seen the naughty side.. " miles said with a smirk on his face. " no but I would crave to see it " lexie said.

Lexie sat on miles's stomach and he played with her long silky hair. Lexie broke the silence by saying " I like cuddling with you " lexie said.

" me too " miles said, he kissed the top of her neck. " um mister aren't you going to thank me sir? " lexie said.

" I will.. tonight " miles said with a smirk on his face.

Word count: 615
Date: 26/04/2021 2:15 AM

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