chapter 7

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Lexie was upset about what miles did, how could he hit her. All of that becuase she snuk out, he wasn't her dad or anything to yell at her and control her.

It was morning and everyone was sitting in the dining room having breakfast, but lexie was still in her room she didn't feel like getting up or seeing miles, so she decided to wait until everyone finished and miles would go to his bedroom, so she wouldn't see him.

Lexie got up and walked to the mirror she lifted up her hoodie and  saw bruises on her stomach, she sighed and took of the hoodie, she was only in a sports bra she was searching for cream or something to put it on the bruises. She searched everywhere in the room she didn't find anything.

"Shit I didn't bring any creams" said lexie in frustration. She walked out of the room running to the bathroom that was near her room she ran in there.

She saw miles there.. lexie gasped she thought he was in his bedroom, lexie didn't know what to do it was awkward, she didn't want to talk to him or even look at him, she quickly turned away and started looking in the cabinets for the cream.

Miles was standing there not moving or doing anything he looked at her open and down. His eyes fell on the bruises on her stomach and then it hit him " I hit her last night" miles thought. He felt bad he was going to apologise to lexie.

But lexie looked mad really mad she didn't even look at him, he noticed that. Well ofcourse he expected that to happen. Lexie finally found the cream she got It and walked out but miles was just standing there.

Lexie was mad really mad " move out of the way" lexie said in a mad tone. Miles was just standing there.. he didn't move an inch. There was something off about him.

He eyed her again.. lexie was uncomfortable by his weird actions. But then miles kissed her neck, lexie was mad so she pushed him away " no" she said with a look of disgust on her face. She pushed him and walked away, but then miles grabbed her and pushed her back in the bathroom and closed the door behind him.

" what the fuck do you want " lexie said. Miles licked his lips and kissed lexie again but on her lips he grabbed her waist and pulled her in. " I want you" said miles but in a very deep voice it wasn't like his actual voice

Lexie pulled away from the kiss and looked at miles with a look of disgust " miles what the hell is wrong with you today, fuck off I don't want you" lexie said. Miles laughed and said in a very deep tone " come on you would die for it" miles said.

" No miles I wouldn't and get away" lexie said in an angry tone, miles grabbed her waist again and uncliped her bra. At this point lexie couldn't handle it, she wanted it. She didn't move she was thinking about miles.

Miles pushed her to the wall and kissed her neck roughly, lexie let out a small moan, he continued on kissing her neck and then moved on to her collarbone and kissed it roughly. Lexie was really enjoying it she frogot about everything.

Then miles pulled away from the kiss and laughed '' you said you don't want it'' miles said through his evil laughter. Lexie was shocked how did she let him take advantage of her she was dumb she was thinking about him and frogot about the fact that he hit her yesterday she was mad at him. Now he won..

'' I..  fuck you'' said lexie. Angry she quickly grabbed her bra from the floor and wore it. A tear fell down from lexie's eyes. She was really broken at this point. She ran out of the bathroom and went to her bedroom and closed the door behind her.

She looked in the mirror and saw the hickeys miles left on her neck, she laid down on the bed and started sobbing in the pillow..

Miles started coughing badly very bad and blood was comming out of his mouth and into the sink, he didn't know what happened because whatever that was wasn't him.. '' what the fuck was that'' miles said. And then he remembered lexie about the night before when he hit her. It wasn't him but he didn't know who it was or how it happened he needed to apologise as fast as possible.

He went to lexie's room and knocked. No reply. He knocked again but louder this time. Still no reply, he opened the door and saw lexie laying on the bed her face was red from crying she must have slept after crying.

Miles felt bad and guilty, he sat on the bed near lexie and started playing with her hair ''lexie'' miles said in a soft tone. Lexie immediately woke up from his voice she got up and looked at him ''what do you want from me'' lexie said

'' I am sorry lexie it wasn't-'' miles started talking but lexie cut him off '' get out I don't want to see your face again'' lexie said. ''But lexie I can-''  miles started talking but lexie cut him off ''  No get out '' lexie said. She pushed him away.

Miles left after she kicked him out. '' she needed time'' miles thought to himself.


Word count: 927
Date : 1/04/2020 1:13 PM

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