chapter 15

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It was night time, the whole house was sleeping except for miles and lexie they were still awake. Until lexie got a knock on her bedroom door.

" come in " she said, it was miles " hey so I am here to thank you, so I have a surprise for you " miles said. " okay cool " lexie said, " follow me " miles said.

Lexie followed miles in his bed room, he looked the door behind them.. " and what's that for ?" Lexie asked. " you will know sweet heart " miles said.

Miles pushed lexie on the bed and started kissing her lips roughly, she was surprised by the sudden action but she loved it, she played with his curly hair while he kissed her lips roughly.

Soon he slid his tongue under hers she sat on his lap, and still not breaking the kiss, he rubbed her back while kissing.

He pulled away, and smiled at her then he kissed her neck suddenly which made her moan, he started sucking on her neck and living love Mark's on there..

Then he moved down to her collarbone and sucked on her skin, she moaned at this sudden action again, it was her sensitive part, miles smirked at her.

" I-I am...tired " lexie said tiredly. " oh sweetie this is just the beginning, wait for round 2 " miles said.

He took off her hoodie and threw it some where on the ground, lexie gasped but she was totally okay with it, and then he took off her bra reaviling her boobs.

He smirked, and rubbed his hands on her waist, she took off his sweater. Now they were both shirtless. Lexie kissed miles. His lips were soft and the kiss was different this time, it was all full of love.

Lexie grabbed miles's dick, she unbuttoned his Jean's and took off his boxers. Miles was surprised, but he was okay with it. She started sucking it up and down.

Miles moaned, lexie was so good at it, it even made miles moan, lexie pulled her head up, " I never heard you moan before " she chuckled a bit. And went back to sucking his dick.

Miles threw his head back, and moaned, lexie was finished " my turn sweet heart " miles said. " yeah show me what you got " alexis said.

Miles took off lexie's pants and underwear, " ready sweet heart " miles said. " yeah show me what you got big boy " lexie said.

" alright.. " miles said, he put his dick inside of her, she moaned it was her first time doing it, ofcourse it was going to hurt. " mmm " lexie moaned. Miles pulled out slowly.. and pulled in faster.

" f-faster.. " lexie said. Miles pulled in and out faster. Lexie was sweaty and wet she was breathing heavily. Miles was Cumming.

After the long beautiful sex, miles sat next to lexie breathing heavily, " did I thank you good? " miles asked, lexie looked over at him " oh  yeah you did.. " she said.

" let's shower " lexie said. Miles smirked at her " yeah let's go " miles said. They both got up and went to the bathroom.

Miles started washing so did lexie, miles kissed her under the warm water, their lips connected and his hands were on her bare waist, it felt so soft and lovely..

After the shower they got dressed and sat on miles's bed, they both got under the covers.

Miles wrapped his hands around lexie's waist. And his breath was on her neck,

" good night my princess " miles whispered to her ears, " good night baby " lexie said back.

They were cuddling and it was the best night of their entire life. What could get  any better ?

The next morning.  Miles and lexie went downstairs for breakfast, no one knew what happened yesterday or even knew that they slept together.

Miles sat next to lexie.  And they both started eating their food. " lexie , sophia I have something to tell you guys.. " Mrs grose said.

" what is it miss " lexie asked. " well.. your aunt won't be comming any soon, she might come next year, so you guys will be living her with us " Mrs Grose said.

Lexie was happy so was sophia " ofcourse it's fine " lexie said. " okay great " Mrs Grose said.

Everything was perfect lexie was going to stay with miles and sophia was going to stay with flora, what could get better.. and miles was normal again he wasn't possessed anymore, and lexie was happy again. Miles made her happy..

Word count: 743
Date: 26/04/2021 2:44 AM

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