chapter 5

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At 7 AM lexie woke up and saw that miles was sleeping she smiled at him because he was so cute when he was asleep but then remembered that Mrs Grose and flora and Sophia wake up at 8 AM so she needed to wake up miles.

She looked at him and whispers to his ears " wake up baby " miles groaned, " "wake up sleepy head we don't want anyone to know that we slept with each other and here take your clothes I will go wear a t-shirt of mine"

Lexie goes and changes her shirt and miles went to the bathroom to get ready.

After both ger ready miles goes to lexie's room and sits on her bed." You're so hot" says miles, lexie blushed and said, " thank you". Miles kisses her checks she kissed him back and then it led to a make out.

Miles and lexie were kissing on the lips, their lips smashing and his tongue under her's and his hand around her neck. She played with his hair while they were kissing. He moved down to her neck and starting kissing the sensitive part of her neck which made her moan he kept on kissing her neck.

And then moving down from her neck to her collarbone and kisses her again on a sensitive part which made her moan again but load this time. Miles cuts of the kiss and says " shhh baby" and kisses her again until they heard footsteps. Miles pulled away from the kiss and moved away from Lexie.

Little flora opened the door on them she saw lexie and miles sitting on the bed " hey guys breakfast is ready" flora says. Miles and lexie go downstairs to eat. Miles sat next to lexie, they started eating, miles hand was on lexie's thigh and the other hand was holding the glass of orange juice. He squeezed her thigh, she moaned quietly, miles smirked at her.

After breakfast. Lexie put her dish in the sink and went outside to watch the kids play while Mrs. Grose was washing the dishes. She saw that the kids were playing with the horses. She sat on the bench near them to make sure that they don't make any trouble. Then she felt a tap on her shoulder, she turned around to see who it was as expected it was miles.

"Oh hey miles" lexie said  "hey what's up" miles said. '' eh nothing much just chilling " lexie says. " wamna try ridding the horse " miles said with a smirk on his face. " umm.... sure yeah" lexie said lexie in hesitation.

" okay come " said miles, lexie followed him into the stables, miles got the horse ready and led it outside in the feld." Okay ready to go" miles said. Lexie sighed and said " okay help me get on it "  miles lifted lexie and helped her get on the horse. " so umm hold the horse on it's neck gently and um I will whip it to go faster.." miles said boldly

" uh okay I guess " said lexie, the horse started running slowly then faster each time miles whipped it, lexie felt bad from the horse how could miles do that to the horse without hesitation or guilt. Lexie felt guilty for the poor thing so she said " uhh that's enough can you stop it now? " she says.

Miles stopped the horse and helped her get down. " that was great you're a great rider.." mile said in a flirty tone. " uh haha thanks " lexie says while giggling. " but you know what else you could ride? " miles said with a smirk on his face.

It took lexie a moment to get it. She gasped, and her eyes widened, she looked at miles who was smirking at her and said " jesus christ, you horney little fuck" while giggling. Miles giggled too. They both sat at the bench and watched the kids play and pet the horses.

Miles got closer to lexie and wrapped his hands around her and put his other hand on her thigh. She noticed this sudden action and laid her head on his shoulders. It was a cute moment, she surely fell for this boy there was something about him that made her love him even more, he was so intimidating and soft in the same time.. and he looked like he cared about her but didn't show his feelings alot, sometimes he could be bitchy and rude but sometimes he could be soft and sweet and sometimes he could be horney. She felt this feeling towards miles that she never felt towards anyone before... he gave her butterflies in her stomach and her breathing hitched when he was close to her-

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