chapter 6

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It was 2:20 AM lexie woke up and started to get ready she was going to do it.. lexie grabbed a hairbrush and started brushing her hair and did it in a ponytail she got dressed in a black hoodie and grey sweatpants and some white trainers.

She then grabbed her phone and slowly started walking to the stairs she didn't want to make any noise because she knew if she did everyone would wake up, the stairs were creaky and it was dark she couldn't see anything she used her phone's flashlight to see clearly.

She walked up for the front door and slowly started opening it. It made some noise she didn't know if anyone heard her or not so she just closed it gently and ran outside fast,

The town was a 30-minute walk away from the Fairchild house they lived far from the town, they were in the woods, lexie started running very fast.

She was so scared and terrified she was alone in the woods with nothing but a phone and there was no signal so if anything happened to her no one would be able to help her or find her, while lexie was thinking and thinking she tripped on a small branch.

She fell and injured her arm, it felt so warm and it burnt she quickly put the phone's flashlight on it and there was blood on it, she took off her hoodie she was wearing a tank top underneath it so she wrapped the tank top on her injured arm to prevent it from bleeding.

" holy shit this isn't going to end well.." said lexie, she was crying because she messed up.. why the hell did she even get here in the first place? It was a dumb mistake, she really messed up, there is no going back she is halfway there.

Lexie sighed and started running again and trying to be more careful this time.

After 15 minutes lexie was in the town already it was 3:17 AM. " okay now I need to find a signal so I can contact my friends" said lexie, she started walking near a coffee shop, she got signal from there.

She called one of her friends the only one she trusted and loved she saw that she got 43 missed calls from her.. she cared about lexie. " hey Beverley.." said lexie " oh my god lexie where were you? And I am so so sorry about your parent's lost I tried contacting you but you never answered and you just despaired completely. . I thought you left the country or something" said Beverley.

" oh, I am sorry about that it's just when my parents died I wasn't feeling good so I never really opened my phone and I moved in with my sister's friend so they don't have signal where they live in the woods. But I snuck out" said lexie

" Okay, so you're in the town now?" Ssid Beverley " yeah at the coffee shop near burger king," said lexie " okay okay I will be there in 10 minutes wait inside and I will come," said Beverley.

Lexie went inside the coffee shop there were no customers except her because who the hell would go to a coffee shop at three in the morning, she sat down on a table, she starting thinking. " what if someone heard me when the front door opened?" " why did I come here in the first place?" " I injured myself badly".

She rested her face on the table, but then the door swung open she saw Beverley walk in she quickly got up and went and hugged Beverley tight she hasn't seen her in forever she really missed her.. " oh my god I miss you so much lexie,"  said Beverley " me too Beverley your the only one who cares about me in this cruel world."  Said lexie

" so tell me who is your life going?" Said Beverley   " well.. I am living at my little sister's friend house she is so nice she let us live in but she has an older brother who is just.. confusing? Sometimes he is mad sometimes he is nice sometimes he is horney.. someti-"  Beverley cutt off lexie " DID YOU JUST SAY HORNEY?" Beverley shouted.

" well yeah.. I mean we kissed.. and he left me afew hickeys on my neck" lexie said " oh my goodness" said Beverley. " well what about you? Are you still with aidan?" Lexie asked

Beverley let out a sigh before speaking " well he cheated on me.. with dina ofcourse he would..  she is so much better than me" said Beverley. " hey hey don't say  that dina is a whore she littrey dated eight guys this year!" Lexie said

" maybe you're right.." Said Beverley. " hey wana go for a walk?" Said lexie. " hell ya let's go"

Beverley and lexie walked out of the shop and started walked while talking and laughing enjoying their time.. Lexie would give anything to stay with Beverley for the rest of the day but sadly she had to go before they wake up and find out they she snuck out..

Beverley was such an important perosn in lexie's life she really loved her they were friends since kindergarten and they never ever fought or anything they had an amazing friendship. They both were happy because they were together at the moment..

" wait what time is it?" Lexie checked her phone it was 4:30 AM she must go before she is late " oh my god I am so sorry Beverley but I have to go before they find out I snuck out and I don't know if this is the last time they I would see you again.. but I will try my best if I could sneak out again I will tell you" said lexie

" oh it's okay I will always be waiting.. for you bye I love you" said Beverley. Lexie hugged Beverley for the last time before running to the woods. It was still dark so she had to use her phone's flashlight.

After 35 minutes lexie was at the fairchild house it was 5:06 AM, she slowly opened the door and walked in and closed it slowly she started walking carefully to the stairs she reached her bed room she opened the door and saw miles sitting on the bed.

Lexie froze she was cuaght. She didn't know what to do or what to say, miles closed the door behind her and locked it. " where were you" miles said angrily.

Lexie didn't respond which made miles more angrier " I said where were you!" Miles raised his voice abit. Holy shit this is the mean and rude side of miles he could littrey kill someone.

" I was uhh I was um at the kitchen i was getting a snack" lexie said while hesitating " really? I littey saw you fucking opened the door loudly and explain why you have a piece of clothing on your arm" miles said

" why do you care so much? It's none of your business and fuck off" lexie said. Miles away hardened he got closer to her.. she moved a step away and he got closer again she moved a step away until she hit the wall she was about to move but miles pinned her wrist against the wall.

" what the fuck get away" lexie said while trying to push him away, but there was no use he was too strong. " I repeat for the last time where were you" miles said.

But lexie didn't respond, miles got angrier he squeezed her wrist harder " ouch leave me alone you're hurting me" lexie said " no until you tell me where the fuck were you" said miles.

" ugh I went for a walk to get fresh air" lexie lied. Miles knew she was lying " you're fucking lying" miles said boldly
Ofcourse lexie wouldn't tell him where she went. Because if she told him he wouldn't let her go out or sneak out again he would be watching her to make sure she won't do it again.

Lexie pushed miles and went straight to the door she tried unlocking it but miles was fast he pulled her by her hair and dragged her roughly she pushed him hard in his stomach. Miles got Very mad to the point were he pushed lexie harshly on the floor.

Lexie fell and her head hit the floor she couldn't see well her vision was starting to fade away.. miles kicked her in the stomach and in her back before the left the room.

Lexie was sobbing on the floor her stomach and back hurted so much she got up but fell again she tried to stand and sit on the bed after many tries she got on the bed, she couldn't belive that miles did such a thing..

How could be hit her like that.. and why did he care so much? Lexie was crying in her bed..


Word count : 1504
Date : 18/03/2021 9:53 AM

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