chapter 8

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Lexie was sitting in her bedroom she was mad and sad about what miles did, it really hurted her. And miles on the other hand he really wanted to apologise but he didn't know when or how because lexie was mad really mad from him.

Lexie needed to get out of the room and go get ready, ofcourse she wasn't going to stay in the room forever so she went and wore a black hoodie and over sized sweatpants, she tied her hair in a low bun. And put some lip gloss on her lips before heading out of the room.

Miles was in his room he was sitting on his bed, he was really sad about what he did he regretted it.. and it wasn't him, he was controlled by someone or something. He heard lexie come out of her room. " I need to try again " miles said to himself. Before he jumped pf the bed and went outside the room.

Lexie was going down the hall way, miles ran quietly behind her,he grabbed her arm and stopped her. Lexie turned to face him with wide eyes, " what?" Lexie said with shock. " i- umm i- I am sorry lex it wasn't me I swear i- I just don't know what happened and I am so so sorry lexie.." miles said.

Lexie stared at him for a couple of seconds before sighing " it's fine miles... I belive you" she said. Miles expressions changed fast he had a happy smile on his face " yay" miles said. Lexie nodded and  went downstairs to check up on her sister and flora and what they are up to.

" uh hey girls what's up?" Lexie questioned the two girls who were colouring. " great" they both say. " okay cool, have fun. Uh see you around I guess" lexie said with a smile and went to sit in the living room.

Lexie sat on the couch and started watching TV. Miles walked in and sat next to her. He was nervous and shy, he really wanted to give her a hug and tell her that he cares about her but.. he was scared, what if she was uncomfortable of being touched? Miles thought to himself.

He just wants to hug her tightly, " Hi " miles said, lexie turned around and faced him " hey.." she said. " are you still sad from me?" Miles asked. " n-no!" Lexie said. " okay good" miles said with a sigh of relief.

Miles wrapped his hands around her and hugged her tight, " I care about you okay?" Miles said. Lexie hugged him back and kissed his cheeks. " it's okay I know." Lexie said.

" wana talk?" Miles asked, "sure about what?" lexie asked " anything" miles said, " okay so I will tell you a story which happened when I was in seventh grade, I was like twelve years old or something, me and my friends had a sleepover, and one of the girl's dad had a vape so our twelve year old dumbass minds decided that we would try it. We all tried it and umm we broke it" lexie said.

" oh my god what did the father do" miles said. " we were scared that he would know that we used it so we blamed it on one of the girl's younger sister and she got grounded for a month" lexie said while giggling.

" oh my God y'all are evil " miles said while laughing, " hahah I know" lexie said through her laughs. Miles looked at her and admired her beauty " you're very pretty" miles said. " thank you, you too!" Lexie said, she began to blush

" honesty when you first came I thought you were very sexy " miles said, now lexie began to blush a darker shade of red, " i- uhhh thank you?" Lexie said. Miles laughed at her for being so awkward.

" you look handsome" lexie said. " I know" miles confidently said. " fuck you be thankful i just gave you a compliment" lexie slightly hit him on the shoulder while giggling, " sweetie this isn't a compliment it's a fact" miles said proudly.

" whatever cutie " lexie said, " cutie?" Miles asked. " uhh sorry I uh-" lexie began to speak but miles put his finger on her mouth " hush it's okay" miles said.

Lexie was happy again with miles to be honest lexie loved miles like alot, he was so fun and good to be around but..

Sometimes he has an evil mean side, lexie hates it she loves it when miles is soft and cute around her, when he cared about her.

She loved that alot, but there was something wrong about him she needed to know what made him be so mad and change all of a sudden.

Miles was lovely perosn honestly, lexie needed to help him before something bad happens to him, what if he was mentally ill?


Word count: 808
Date: 19/04/2021 1:12 AM

sarcastic love | Miles Fairchild Where stories live. Discover now