chapter 10

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Lexie woke up finding herself in miles's bedroom, she quickly remembered that she slept with him.

She opened her eyes tiredly, she looked over to miles he was sleeping ofcourse he looked so adorable in his sleep, lexie smiled, she got up and checked the time. It was 7:38 AM.

She went to her bedroom and decided to sleep an hour or two since, Mrs. Grosse , flora and sophia wake up around 9 am.

She didn't want anyone to see her with miles, she just felt it wasn't going to be accepted by anyone and he was like a brother to her.

Miles was the same age as lexie so it was pretty normal for them to date or do something like that, but the problem was that they both lived in the same house and there are children here too. Lexie wished that her and miles were all alone in the house by themselves.

But ofcourse she didn't trust miles because he changes every when and when and second where the hell will Mrs grose , flora and sophia be?. It was pretty much impossible.

Lexie went under the covers and cuddled up with the blanket, she really wanted to sleep with miles but she knew they might get caught. So she will just sleep here by herself.

Hours passed, it was 12pm and lexie was still sleeping, Mrs Grosse and the girls woke up at 9 AM and miles woke up at 10:45 AM. They all got up before lexie, lexie was a sleepy head she loved sleeping Alot.

But then lexie woke up at 12:15 PM she went to the bathroom to brush her hair and wash her face and brush her teeth too, she got ready and wore her favourite pants ofcourse they were the black leggings, and she wore a short tank top.

It looked good on her she honesty looked stunning, her beautiful long brown soft hair shined it looked amazing and her cleaned clear face made her bright up.

She Walked through the hallway, she met miles, before she could say anything " I need you now come " miles said, and grabbed her hand and ran with her to an empty room.

He got in with her and closed the door, " so?" Lexie questioned. His facial expressions weren't the nicest. He was probably on his mean side..

Miles grabbed her by the waist and pulled her in " kiss me now " miles said boldly his voice was much deeper and his eyes were very dark, darker than usual.

" excuse me what? I just woke up, why?" Lexie said. Miles got closer to her, now their body's were touching each other's " do what I tell you lexie " miles said in a deep tone.  He never used her name this was suspicious and weird.

" no miles I will do it later " lexie said before moving away and walking towards the door. Miles grabbed her wrist, " no I want it now " miles said coldly. " miles no don't you have emotions I said no and I don't want to kiss you now miles" lexie said in annoyance.

He got closer and whispered to her ears" do it or else I will.." , lexie was scared at this point she didn't want to make the angry mean emotionless side of miles to hurt her, so she did what he said.

Lexie kissed miles, he grabbed her hips and moved her closer to his body and grabbed her face and started kissing her back. Lexie was kind of uncomfortable with this kind of way, she just liked cuddling with miles since she wasn't into sex or kissing.

She pulled away out of the kiss " okay that's enough" lexie said. Before heading to the door " Why leave so soon?" Miles said with an evil smirk on his face.

" because I just woke up miles, I am kinda tired" lexie said. However miles didn't listen to her, he grabbed her again by the waist and started removing her T-shirt.

" no no miles not now I- i am not ready.." lexie said, she was trying not to stutter and she was about to cry, she didn't want miles to see her fully naked if he took off all of her clothes, she was insecure.

" shhh " miles said and then he took off her bra, a tear left from lexie's eye. She had mixed emotions she was disappointed , sad , shock , angry , confused. She didn't move because she didn't know what to do.

Then miles tried to remove her leggings but then lexie pushed his cold hands off of her " no miles fuck off already " she raised her voice, then she grabbed her bra and t shirt and ran out of the room, she went to her bedroom.

Before anyone could see her shirtless, she got into it and locked it, she wasn't going to cry becuase she knew it wasn't miles, but she didn't know what or who it was.

Since she came her she had a weird feeling about his house, like there was someone watching her,

She needed to help miles before he does anything bad to her.

Word count: 860
Date: 22/04/2021 6:16 AM

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