A Twist of Tales (Ironstrange & Stony)

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This was supposed to be a part of an enchanted au but a full on series isn't really my thing cause I know I'm just gonna get bored writing it... so here's a scene/idea from that said book instead.

If you're confused, this is the ball scene from the movie enchanted.

Loki as Giselle
Stephen as Robert Philip
Steve as Prince Edward
Tony as Nancy Tremaine

I know, this is a weird ship combo but just bare with me😷


Stephen stared in astonishment at the scene before him.

The man wore a beautifully fitted green and black suit, his hair slick back, posture lean and his eyes were a sparkling blue. The only thing ruining the perfectly breathtaking view was that his hand was in anothers.

Stephen's heart shouldn't be feeling these things, but he knew he couldn't fight it. He knew it was wrong to like someone who's already in love with someone else. And that being a literal prince. Who would even give up a prince as kind and noble as Prince Rogers? Stephen was no match for him.

He was just an ordinary guy with an office job, there's nothing exciting or fun about that compared to ruling a whole kingdom. But he figured, he shouldn't even be thinking these kind of things, considering he already has Tony with him.

The couple that was at the top of the golden staircase, slowly made their way down. Their hands intertwined, wide smiles on their faces. Though, Loki's was a bit faltered. But twitched slightly when they slowly approached Strange and Stark.

"Stephen." Came a breathy greeting from Loki, which made the said man turn to him.


The atmosphere between the four shifted from calming to an irritating awkward tension, being face to face with them was a very wrong move on Loki's side. Fortunately, a fake smile and a cough was made by Tony.

"Loki, it's good to see you again." He turned his gaze towards his companion, "And who might this dashing fellow be?"

Stephen glanced weirdly towards Tony, which was something Loki saw and chuckled.

Loki also returned a fake smile but replied nonetheless, "This is, Prince Steven Grant Rogers." He gestured playfully towards the mention man, "Fairest of all princes I may add."

The tension slowly cleared out as a groan was heard from the prince and chuckles left from the mouths of the other pair. "Was it really necessary to say my formal name?"

"Indeed I had to."

They all shared a laugh but all their hearts sank when an announcement was made by the host.

A raspy, old voice echoed through the ball room, that took everyone's attention from their previous conversations. Whispers and murmurs were heard around the ball. However, despite this, the old man continued, "Before we start the next song... somebody in our staff had this idea where; people have to switch partners with a stranger..." The old man squinted at the paper he was holding and shot his eyes up once more after, possibly, reading the page, "Okay, that's about it!"

The old man stepped away from the microphone. Another set of whispers and conversations were heard throughout the room. Some looking for a person to dance with who wasn't with them and some didn't really succeed in doing the plan of the host.

'This is dumb', Stephen thought.

Why couldn't he just enjoy his night with Tony? He just wanted to make it up to him after everything they've gone through. Stephen swore that if he makes a wrong move tonight, he knows Tony's gonna dump his ass.

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