New Year (Parley and a bit of Winterfalcon)

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ok, disclaimer, i have had written this exact story but with different characters. so if this fic seems familiar to you, it's because i've used this prompt before in my old account.


All of the avengers were out in the top balcony of Stark Tower, getting ready for the new years count down. Tables were laid out, asorted food were placed on it and a camera for recording the fire works display. Or for reasons if something interesting would happen, as Clint said.

The other avengers were off setting up the rest of the party, and Harley was off to somewhere while Peter was hanging from the balcony's ceiling, just looking up at the sky.

Thinking deeply as he was entranced by the beautiful display of stars. Though, as much as Peter would like to think of something else, his mind wanders off to his best friend. He's been pining on Harley since Tony introduced the other to him, and he still hasn't made a move.

Sighing, Peter got down from where he was and sat on one of the chairs sprawled out, continuing to conduct his never ending train of thought.

Meanwhile, Harley, Sam, and Bucky were huddled up as Harley was seeking help from the other two.

"You could just tell him how you feel. Walk up to him then get that new years wish of yours." Bucky said, not really knowing how to deal with these kind of situations, and because he doesn't really care or know how he was dragged into this. Or maybe because Sam offered him to hold his hand later, if he helps, when the fireworks start going off... maybe.

"Well, I wouldn't do just that. You could've planned something spectacular for the boy and then tell him." Sam suggested.

"I already thought about that but we're talking about Peter here, Mr. Wilson! He'll get all shy and shit over the whole surprise, if I even commit to it." Harley said, knowing the other boy wouldn't want that much attention.

He frowned as he walked off to the table, stuffing a small piece of red bean bread in his mouth. He's been brain storming on how he would surprise Peter, not upset him and tell him how he feels. He can't think of anything to woo him and not scare him off.

Harley's frown deepens as it was just a matter of minutes before the count down. Looking around, he spotted a very familiar face and decided he if he can't think of anything now, he'll take Bucky's advice.

"Heeey, Peter!" He awkwardly said, "Great view tonight?" He was looking directly at the boy who was looking up.

He took the closest chair and placed it beside Peter as he sat.

"Yeah." came Peter's short reply, a small smile creeping on his lips.

Peter was completly oblivious to the plan Harley had in mind. He was content in this position, just staring at the beautiful sight that was just in his hands reach and also the stars. He wanted this, he wanted this to never end, to just sit there with the person he oh so adores.

His thoughts were cut off short though, as Harley got up. Peter's gaze followed his movements and stood up as well. He was confused at first but then he realized that it was almost time for the count down.

Harley breathed in and took ahold of Peter's hand, not meeting the other's eyes, afriad that he might be scowling.

'Man, this is nerve wraking.'

"What are you doing?" Peter's brows furrowed, cheeks tinted red at the gesture.

"Well, just trust me on this one, Pete." He said, and squeezing the hand in his grip as a way to reassure Peter.

"Harley, what?" Peter asked, confused, and afraid that this was some sick joke.

10, the countdown started

Peter tried to tug on Harley's hand but it was no use, he kept his hand in place. "I'm serious, Peter. Just wait."


"You just keep confusing me, Harles."


The boy just hummed as a reply, looking back up at the night sky.


Although, Peter wouldn't want to miss the fireworks display, his view of Harley's side profile was more enticing as the fireworks shone on their faces, making Harley look even more beautiful than he already was.




Harley smirked as the count down was almost done.


He gently tugged at Peter's hand, grabbing the other boy's attention.


"You have no idea how much I wanted to do this since I've met you, Peter." Harley's eyes soften and his smirk turned into a genuine smile.


Peter's eyes widen, feeling Harley's lips on his. He didn't responed at first cause one this was Harley his crush and two he was kissing him. Peter mentally groaned at himself for being so nervous.

Pushing all of those thoughts away, he kissed Harley just as passionatelu. Placing his arms on the other's shoulders. Harley, doing the same, removed his hand out of Peter's and placed them loosely on his waist.

Harley pulled away but Peter leaned forward for more. Noticing this, the boy smiled and kissed him once more, tilting his head and placed his other hand on Peter's cheek.

After minutes of just melting in each others arms. They finally pulled away but Harley connected their foreheads as he still didn't want to let him go.

"I like you, Peter," He started, "I've liked you since the day Tony would never shut up about you. And when he finally decided it was time for me to move to New York to be one of his interns, I knew the first thing I wanted to do was meet you."

Peter's eyes widen for a bit, he was shock to hear his confession.

"I like you too." He replied softly.

And from behind the two, Sam and Bucky were operating the camera that was no longer focused on the fireworks display but were now on the two teens.

And out of excitment for the spider boy, Sam suddenly gripped the collar of Bucky's colshirt and pulled in him for a short kiss.

"That-that was my first kiss." Bucky stared blankly at him.

Seeing his reaction, Sam got a bit cocky. "Well, the second one is always better, y'know."

Bucky rolled his eyes lovingly and pulled Sam by his waist and kissed him, longer than the first one.


can't believe it's been like what 4 years since my first update?? time flies so fast oml.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2022 ⏰

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