Avengers Academy Prom (Marvel Ships) [Part 3]

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This was such a hard part to write.

Sorry for any errors as well<3


The venue was nice, the student officers really nailed it this year.

Blue, silver and white decorations every where you look. The lights were blue, the cloth used for the tables -that surrounded the dance floor- were the combination of all three, hologram snowflakes were floating all around and even the students' outfits fitted the color scheme.


Clint's been doing nothing since he arrived and has been declining his friends' offer to dance. He didn't really want to go dancing alone.

Actually, he didn't really want to go in the first place. Natasha just forced him into his suit and drove him there with the other girls. Really a story he'd hate to bring up in the future.

He's been just by their table with just a cup of punch in his hand all night. He wasn't really enjoying himself as he thought he would. Clint thought that he had planned out his night on how it was going to go but unfortunately, he didn't really have the strenght to do any of it much like the days he had plans to ask... someone to prom.

So now he was stuck there all alone, just watching his friends have fun with their dates.

He spotted Thor and Bruce in one corner, with the God's hand on both of the other's sides, as Bruce struggled to hold on his shoulders on his tip toes. His blush was so prominent, Clint could actually see it from where he was.


Thor and Bruce were on the dance floor, slowly swaying to the music. Both of the God's hands were on the other's hips while Bruce struggled to reach up Thor's shoulders.

"Are you enjoying yourself, dear Bruce?" Thor asked after awhile of silence, gazing lovingly at Bruce. Although, it was too early to call it love, it wasn't to Thor.

Bruce smiled up at him, tearing his eyes away from their feet. He's been trying to avoid the God's gaze, he was embarrassed with his own blush. "I probably wouldn't if you weren't here with me. Cause I love every single moment we shared tonight."

The sudden confidence slightly shocked Thor, not that he doesn't see Bruce as a very confident person already, but when he's with him, he was just always shy.

"I'm glad." Thor replied, leaning down to rest his forehead against Bruce's.

Bruce smiled to himself, wrapping his hands around his neck now. "This is nice."


And another place on the dance floor, he could see Bucky and Sam just messing with the others with their hands intertwined. They kept tripping the other students over and tapping on their shoulders and then ran off to another couple.


"Take my hand, Buck. We 'bouta make this fun." Sam said from where he was sitting beside Bucky at their table.

Bucky looked up at him as Sam started to stand up. "What? No, Sam, I don't wanna get in trouble."

"Awwe, c'mon, this won't get us expelled or anything, we're just going to mess with the others. Like," Sam looked around, a student walking pass them then he tripped him. "That."

Bucky gapped at him, luckily the student didn't really pay any mind to Sam cause he was clearly drunk. "Sam, that's rude." Bucky looked down at his lap, thinking and then decided. "Alright, I'm getting bored, anyway."

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