Shape-Shifting (Thundershield)

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Based on that one scene in TTDW, where Loki was shape-shifting


"This is so unlike you, brother," Loki said, out of breath from catching Thor's uncharacteristically fast walking pace. But he continued his sentence. "so clandestine. Are you sure you wouldn't rather just punch your way out?"

Thor sighed exasperately, clearly done with all of his brother's unhelpful suggestions. "If you keep speaking, I just might... and I wouldn't even think about hurting him..." although the last part was mumbled, Loki still heard the broken voice of his brother.

They continued walking down the almost never ending hallway, making fast yet quiet paces. Making sure they wouldn't get caught by the guards. "Fine as you wish..." Loki replied with a clearly unphased and bored expression.

Both of the brothers just came back from Midgard and what happened there wasn't really what they expected to be greeted by... especially in Thor's case. Seeing the color drain out of him, his happy aura and the brightest smile in the universe just crushed by a single phrase, let alone the phrase being said by the person his brother loved the most... Steven Rogers.

He didn't want to admit it out loud but Loki felt bad for his brother... and also wanted to desintegrate the Captain by even thinking about what he said to his brother. But he does understand Thor's heart broken situation cause if Stephen did that to the trickster, he would also be full of rage and saddness... and maybe wouldn't get over it for a century.

Loki didn't even think it was possible for the number one hero of America, the most honourable, most couragous man, would say such a thing, let alone say it to the god of thunder. If Loki was in Cap's shoes, he wouldn't even think about saying that to a god.

But everyone just runs out of love and considering Thor is immortal, Loki thinks that's what Steve's excuse for breaking up with Thor. It's hard for a god to love a mortal, seeing their bodies go weak of age... and both brother's are madly in love with mortals.

But with Thor's problem aside, Loki was happy that he and Stephen were in a healthy relationship. But the subject of Loki being immortal didn't pass the couple. They did had a descussion about this, -and Loki definitly didn't cry about what Stephen assured him with- and Loki has never been so grateful to have such a supportive boyfriend. Saying that they'll make the best of what time they have left. If only there was a way he could make his brother smile, just for a bit...

An idea came to mind, Loki smirked, "I'm not even here..." Thor looked at his brother, his body taking another form. His skin changing from white to black, his clothing changed into armor and a golden sword was in his grasp... Heimdall. "Is this better?" Loki asked -in Heimdall's form-, imitating the Bifrost's guard's voice.

"Better company, at least." Thor said strictly, venom almost spilling out his mouth.

"Still, we could be less conspicious..."

When there was no reaction coming from his brother, Loki sighed and thought for another form he'd do... just to lighten up the mood.

Green light was seen once more but the form wasn't for the god of mischief. "Mm, brother, you look ravishingly magical."

Thor let out a breathy laugh, looking down at his form. A royal blue robe was wrapped around his figure perfectly, a cloak sitting nicely on his shoulders and a replica of the eye of agamotto clinging on his neck. "Turning me into the form of your significant other doesn't make the compliment any better, brother... and it will hurt no less when I kill you in this form."

Loki wasn't intimidated by his threat, considering his look was the love of his life, making a smile appear on the trickster's face. And also happy he made his brother smile. And maybe it wasn't a good idea that Loki transformed himself into the form of the person his brother last wants to see in this situation. "Very well, perhaps you prefer one of your new companions given that you seem to liked them."

Thor raised an eyebrow at his brother but his eyes widen in realization.

"This is much better." 'Captain America' said. Thor's eyes were still wide at the person he was with, but he had to remind himself that this was his brother and he shouldn't even think about punching him in his perfect teeth. Loki continued, "whoa, costume's a bit much. So tight, but the confidence," he started walking backwards with the shield in front of him. "I can feel the rightousness surging." He chuckled. Thor couldn't handle it any more but he let his brother's tricks slide for once, even if it hurts him to see the form the person he once loved. "Hey, wanna have a rousing discussion about; truth, honor, patriotism? God bless Am--" Thor shook his head, rage filled up in him as he pinned his brother to a wall, forcing him back to his original form. "What?" He whispered-yelled.

Thor looked at the other hallway, where two guards were chatting and didn't seem to notice them, but better be safe than sorry. Loki furrowed his eyebrows. "You could at least furnish me with a weapon, my daggers or something... but you got to admit, that form I made was quite familiar, wasn't it, my dear brother?" Loki tried to lighten up the mood but he could still feel the upset state of his brother.

Thor removed his hand from Loki's arm and breathe in, trying to calm his nerves. "I suppose... I just already miss him."

A sympathetic look was on Loki's facial expression. Already regreting his previous choices. "I appologize, brother. I just thought that seeing him again would make you less upset..." Loki said, genuinely guilty.

Thor just gave him a sad smile. "It's quite all right, I'll get over that mortal eventually. Plus, there are plenty of fish in the sea, as one would say."

Loki smiled at him, though he could still see through his brother's fake reassurance, and knowing his brother for a long time, he knew he wouldn't get over the Captain... it'd take centuries before he'd fully forget his relationship with him.

"Don't worry, brother, the sun will shine on you and the Captain again."

Thor just shook his head and took something out of his pocket, something silver and shiny. Loki thought it was his daggers and smirked. "At last, a little common sense~" his smile dropped from what he saw Thor put around his wrists. Loki raised his fist, gapping at his brother.

Chuckling, Thor looked at his brother's vulnerable state. "I thought you liked tricks?" And he left.

"Oh, Stephen will be mad when he finds out about this." Loki jokingly threatend and ran to the location of the bifrost... hopefully Heimdall left it open again.

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