EndGame (Winterfalcon)

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After everything that happened. Sam thought that there were no more surprises. But, he thought 'This was too good to be true'. It just felt too bland. But, unfortunately, Captain America had one last mission to complete. He didn't really think about it much since they did just defeated Thanos with an army of Wizards and Wakandans. He knew Steve would get back safely from his time jump. He just had to return all of the Infinity stones to where they were before everything happened.

"In three... two... one..." Bruce flicked the switch. The three heroes braced themselves for another flash of light. But nothing happened.

Bucky and Sam were both confused. Sam stayed quiet but Bucky verbally showed his frustration. "Where is he? Bring him back!"

"I'm trying." Bruce said firmly, switching everything in front of him. But nothing seemed to work.

Bucky was almost at the verge of tears. Sam understands Bucky's reaction. He's lost Steve twice, he knows Bucky can't go through that again. Sam was about to say something but he noticed something from across the lake. An old man sitting on a bench, a large circular leather case beside him.

Sam left the other two to argue and approached the mysterious man.


"Steve, I-I couldn't." Sam protested as Steve, old Steve, offered hi sheild.

"Take it, Sam. Someone ought to take my place." He presented his sheild to Sam.

It was like passing on a heiritage. The weight of it was not just within Sam's grip but also the weight of carrying this sheild as a symbol of their country. It was like he was holding the whole state in his hands.

Steve smiled up at him as Sam strapped in the sheild to his arm.

Sam glanced back at Bucky, looking for his approval.

"It suits you." He mouthed, giving Sam a soft smile.

Sam admired the star spangled sheild once more.

"Take care of him for me, will yah?" Steve chimed up.

Confused, Sam asked. "Who?"



It's rushed, I know.

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