Avengers Academy Prom (Marvel Ships) [Part 1]

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The avengers all ask each other to prom in different ways... or where all of them are dramatic bitches


Prom was just a week away. All of the students of Avengers Academy have been busy preparing all of the props and decorating the halls with snow flakes, icecles and blinking LED lights.

It was an outstanding sight to see. It brought life into the dull halls of the school. Even the students' lockers were decorated with winter themed props. It was the first ever prom that was taken this seriously. Maybe it was just the fact that the school's student body president was better than last years prep.

However, the props and the decorations weren't the only things being prepared.

All the students must have a date with them at the event. Almost every student has been busy on trying to ask their desired person out. Some are even going as far as using jet planes to get the yes they wanted. It was dumb that they announced that they had to have a date to prom a week before.

But, not even at the end of the school day that everyone already had their dates... well, not everyone.


Lunch time rolled around and all of Tony's group of friends were sitted in their usual lunch table.

All of them were in their senior years, having only one year left in high school. They all had the same plan to make this year the most of it, planning that all of them should go to prom, to ask the person they desired to go with them. The only problem is that, none of them were experts in impressing somone. Maybe that's why they were all friends.

"So..." Tony started. "What do you guys think about prom?"




"Waste of time."

"I believe I don't know what this 'prom' is..."

Came all of his friends' reply.

Their answers were all contradicting each other, making Tony confused as to what they meant.

"What? I thought you guys wanted our last year to be special? So why not attend prom?" Tony said, confused.

Clint, who was leaning against his palms on the table, answered. "Yeah, but like, none of us have a date and everyone at the school already has one!" He suddenly sat up a bit straighter. "Plus, who the fuck would want to go out with us?"

"Apparently them." Vision answered as he pointed to another table parallel to them.

The students who were at the other table were just minding their own business. Tony wondered why Vision said that. But as Tony's eyes roamed around the other table, his eyes met with Steve Rogers.

Tony's lip twitched into a half smile as the said student waved at him.

"Yeah, I'd probably should go now." Tony said dreamily, taking all of his things from the table, not bothering to finish his lunch. "I need some time thinking about--uh-- about my---nevermind, it's almost time anyways. Bye!" And then he was gone.

Stephen glanced at Vision in confusion. "Uh, what was that?"

"I believe Mr. Stark is preparing for his plan to woo Captain Rogers." Vision replied calmly. Not at all phased by his friend's outburst.

Sam srcunched his nose. "Don't mind Stark." He adjusted his position on his chair. "How about you, Bruce? Anyone in mind that you'd like to ask?"

Bruce ran a hand through his curly hair. "Yeah... but I think that they already have someone to go with." He said, sadly.

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