Finally Free (Thorbruce)

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"Oh, c'mon, Bruce! Just one more! Then we'll sleep!" Tony pleaded.

Bruce knew it was an unhealthy habit to get in to, staying up all night, staring at bright and radiant screens, yet he still stuck with Tony through half of the night. He willed himself to not give in to his friend's puppy eyes and strictly said, "No! Tony, we need to get some sleep! It's almost five in the morning! And, besides, you'll never get some work done if you're this exhausted!" He whispered yell, trying not to wake up the others.

However, Bruce's explanation didn't convince Tony, and the billionaire continued to persuade Bruce to stay up with him. "Banner, please! Let's just finish this project then I'll-" yawn. "-we'll rest."

The doctor rolled his eyes 'I'm not getting out of this, am I?' He thought to himself. "Fine."


Meanwhile, Thor was blankly staring at the ceiling from where he was laying on his and Bruce's shared bed. He was sad to say the least, he barely has time with his significant other because of their team mates needs that includes Banner's presents.

Thor didn't know why he was still up, but he couldn't sleep. Bruce promised him that tonight he'll not give into the others favors but alas, that promise was broken. The god barely even has time to hang out or even have a decent conversation with the doctor, considering he was always busy with the others.

Sometimes he feels like Bruce is doing it on purpose; hanging out with the others, that is. He feels that Bruce is sick of him and would rather have Tony, Steve or even Bucky's attention rather than his. He knows he shouldn't be thinking this but Thor couldn't help it, he loves Banner too much that he's selfish enough to have him all to himself.

Thor faced his body away from Bruce's empty space and fell asleep... and not once has he heard the door of the bedroom open nor a body lay beside him.


"Hey, Banner!" Bruce heard the honorable voice of the Captain calling him from across the hall.

"What is it, Cap?" He raced walked towards Steve, who was stood beside the main door of the tower; heavy looking boxes beside him. "What's all this?"

Steve raised a questioning eyebrow at him, confused but quickly realized about the boxes on the floor. "Oh, these, they're packages for Tony. Says here that these are spare parts..."

"Not again..." Bruce mumbled with a sigh.

Steve crossed his arms over his chest and asked. "Care to help me carry these up to Tony's lab?"

Bruce raised an eyebrow at him, contimplating whether he'd help his team mate or not. He wanted to help but he promised Thor he'd be back to their bedroom and watch a movie or two. And considering he has to make it up to him, the night he left him alone in their room.

Though, it wouldn't take long carrying a few boxes and besides, he couldn't say no to the cap.

"Why not?" He said and picked one up, motioning for Steve to start lifting the others as well.



"Banner~ where are you..." Thor was laying on his back on the bed, a sad look on his face and dull eyes staring at the black screen of the laptop.

He's been waiting for quite a while now, impatiently fidgeting his fingers. In hopes that Banner didn't forget about their little date but unfortunately that wasn't the case.

The god didn't know why he still anticipated Banner's arrival. Maybe it's because he thought that Banner would keep his promise this second time. Maybe, because he didn't have anything good to do. Or maybe... Banner just stood him up again and went to do something different rather than spend his day with Thor.

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