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A/N : damn, this is my very first original story. I hope you like it! :D

As a kid, there's not much that you would want. The measure of your happiness was just as simple as getting to buy your favorite piece of candy at the nearby store. The innocence we've all had back then was something pure that slowly fades away the older we get. Do you remember your childhood? The phase in life where everything we think about are fun and games, messing around and getting scolded by our parents, not the mental state we are in, financial problems, relationships, and other adult stuff. As kids, the most important thing in our lives were our families and friends, and sometimes, those friends become our family just like how mine felt.

Now that i'm already hitting my 20s, middle school kids are still little kids for me, even though i thought of myself as an 'almost grown up' at that time. I still remember a few memories vividly.

I wasn't really a social person to begin with. I wouldn't stay mute and become a statue all the time, but it was pretty hard for me to adjust to anything, especially a new environment, so it took me a while. During my 2nd year, i found a kind girl who later became my best friend until this very day. Her name is Marie Irish. Like me,she was struggling with adjusting and finding new friends. We ended up talking about our hobbies, our likes and dislikes,and turns out we matched. We became really close at such a short time, and i was really happy because she was the first best friend i've ever had. I was always there for her just like how she was for me.

Anyway, since we were close, we would go home together. Our houses were pretty far away from each other, but we had to walk to the carpark which was pretty far away since the school was so huge. My parents always pick me up before hers did so i had to leave and say my goodbyes everyday. One day, she told me she had a brother that was only one year above us.

"Uh huh. What about him?" I asked.

"Well, i'm just thinking, what if you become friends with him?" She said. I laughed at her silly suggestion. I wasn't the type of girl who had a lot of guy friends. Heck, i didn't even have any at that time. I just despise men so much for some reason. I also had my doubts that any guy would want to befriend me.

"Um, in case you forgot, almost all guys are douchebags. At least to me since i'm not as pretty as the other girls. And i'm fat"

I jiggled my lemon shaped tummy to emphasize my point at her. She just smiled and put on this typical puppy eye show of hers that i could never reject.

"Please give him a chance, he's my brother. You love me right? Well then, you're definitely going to love him! Just think about it. I know he's a really good person plus imagine all the times we can spend together as a group!"

I had my doubts but at the same time, i do trust her. I mean, they were raised by the same parents and she ended up being an angel, so maybe her brother would be one too. I sighed and finally agreed. Marie had this huge smile and started texting someone who i assume was her brother but it's privacy so i didn't peek at her phone.

Not long after, school ended. Marie told me to wait for her brother at the main gates because that's where they usually meet before going home. I guess that was why i always get picked up first before her. I'd be lying if i said that i wasn't nervous. He was a potential guy friend. The very first, might i add. I was so worried that i would somehow fuck it up just like how i usually do with most new people i meet. I was busy taking deep breaths when a guy stopped behind me.

"Hey, sis!" He said. I slowly turned my back to see a tall guy, with a face that just seemed so kind and gentle, a bright smile plastered on his face while looking at his sister before averting his gaze towards me, the smile never escaping his lips.

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