Moving On

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After a while, i missed Olga since he was my best friend too, so i decided to apologize and give him a believable excuse that i was in that depressed phase where i only talk with almost no one. He apparently believed it and said that it wasn't necessary for me to apologize so yea we were close again. This time, i died down my feelings as much as i could to avoid getting hurt again. Sadly, this dude likes to make everything hard for me. There was a time where we were talking and joking around casually. I got into trouble just because i had a few anime pics in my gallery. They weren't hentai or anything like that, not really revealing clothes either. My phone was taken away because their boobs are 'too big' while i'm just sitting there, having my own set of boobs. i mean, come on, if i really wanted the big boob anime girls cause i'm horny or something, wouldn't it be enough if i just stripped down and looked at myself in the mirror? Like seriously. Heck, the anime pics i saved were from a fandom i'm in and their boobs are medium. He was laughing so hard that day that he even let a tear slip down.

"you can stop laughing now. It's not that funny"

"yeah, it's not funny. IT'S DAMN HILARIOUS!"

"I see that my misery amuses you" i said while rolling my eyes.

"sorry, sorry. I can't help it"

"uh huh, sure"

After he was done crying and laughing like a giant twig baby, we walked to the school gardens to get some fresh air. It was recess so we had probably around 20 minutes left to spend there. Marie would usually come with us, but she was working on an assignment with her group so yeah we left her.



Olga picked up a nearby flower and gave it to me. It wasn't allowed for students to do that but i was too in the moment to care. I was caught off guard and didn't know how to react.

"W-What are you doing?"

"I just wanted to give you something"

"What for?"

" a thankyou. You know, sometimes i can be awkward with girls, but with you, everything seems so different. Different in a good way though!"

I wanted to throw the flower at him if not the ground. It wasn't fair what he was doing. He liked someone else, yet he gave me false hope just like that? Even if he didn't mean it in a romantic way, he could've at least spelled out the words differently. Even so, i would be lying if i said that i wasn't happy with what i heard, both from a friendly and romantic point of view. I ended up giving him a nod and a smile.

"Thankyou to you too"

After that the bell rang so we had to get back to class. After parting ways, i built up a resolution to make any romantic feelings for Olga disappear. I knew that it would be really hard, but i also knew that if i didn't stop myself, he wouldn't stop hurting me and my expectations. Besides, it would be ridiculous for me if i had lost a best friend because of this, so protecting myself was the only way. 

Time goes by, and he finally graduated. He went to the high school that was connected to our middle school so i could still meet with him sometimes, it's just that the frequency has lessened since the schedules were different. I also felt that we talked less and less, but i guess it was a good thing for me since it helped in moving on. Me and Marie were separated too during senior year so i spent most of my time with new friends while still calling Marie every now and then to share our experiences.

During the first semester, nothing happened between me and Olga. We just meet up at school sometimes and talk about our lives, however, it changed during the final semester of my last year in middle school. At the end of the first semester, we had to take entrance exams. While the majority chose to continue at the high school next door, i was one of the few who moved to another one that was pretty far, even if it was still in the same city. The school's reputation was really great and there were lots of applicants. It was THAT good. My mom told me to go there because it would prepare me for college life and help improve myself and my circle of friends. I was intrigued, even though i had no friends who went there. I was very scared, but my name was on the list of people who made it in. I was really happy, but at the same time, pretty sad. That would mean that i won't meet my friends anymore. We might be too occupied with our schedules, and sooner or later, forget about each other. I told Marie and Olga about all that and we agreed to use the time we had left to make the best memories together, and apparently, by together, we meant a 1 on 1 quality time. Hence why, Olga acted so differently. He would try to meet me as often as possible, even if it meant ditching his friends everyday. The jokes we shared increased, and so did his attention towards me. It felt like we were closer again. 

Five months flew by, and i finally graduated. I had opened a new chapter of my life, hoping that the new people i meet would somehow be better people. But, you know how sometimes reality and expectations are really different, so i was kinda disappointed, but it's not really an important detail. Just the usual high school life, i guess. After a few weeks of enrolling at high school, we were demanded to go back to middle school to pick up our diplomas. Apparently, it was Monday, so after school ended, i immediately went there using a taxi. I was excited because i could meet my old friends again. Even if only two months have passed, i missed them so much.

When i got there, my friends still had class, so i took the time to tour around middle school and have some nostalgia. I even bumped to the guy who had bad blood with me. I mean, i was the one at fault because i was the one who betrayed him, but we made peace at that encounter. A while after that, i went to the fields and just stood there, taking in the green scenery around me. I then heard a loud bell coming from the high school district, and not long after, students were swarming out, some of them with familliar faces. You know what was weird? I had this push within me to look at my right, and when i did, Olga was there. He was still pretty far, but he was at that direction, and apparently, he saw me too.

My body felt like it moved on its own towards him, the excitement within bursting like i had kept it inside for a very long time. He ran towards me too and the moment we were face to face, we held hands like giddy little children, shaking each other while screaming and jumping around. We didn't care if people around were looking at us weirdly. We were too focused on each other, just like before when we were too busy laughing. Marie followed shortly after, then we hung out for a while. I also met my other friends and had fun with them before finally going home. On my way back, i kind of felt at peace. I had closure from the guy i mentioned before, and i considered the encounter with Olga as my last. I no longer had hope and i was okay with it. Sure, moving on 100% wasn't really easy. It took me pretty much a year before i could set my eyes towards someone else, and that person, was the devil who will soon turn everything upside down.

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