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Olga's POV


Heather fell without any warning, so i immediately catch her before she hit the hardwood floor. I tried waking her up, but there was no response. She already fainted for the second time now. My heart was beating too fast. I was worried that she might get a friggin cardiac arrest if this keeps on happening, meaning she could die. I then looked up towards the bed to see what had shocked Heather to this extent, but then i realized, if i were her, i would be devastated as ever. I was too surprised and shocked to even react that i didn't notice Amy and Elizabeth running into the room.

"What happened here?!" Elizabeth asked, but as soon as they looked at Wade, they understood very clearly the situation. Especially after looking at an unconscious Heather just laying there on the damn floor. Amy and I were just watching Wade in disbelief, while Elizabeth fumed really bad.

"Wade fucking Wilson, How dare you?!"

Wade finally sat up before stretching his body and yawning, acting like he had done nothing wrong at all.

"Ugh, what's with the ruckus?! It's still so fucking early in the morning so can't you shut up!" Wade grumbled. Elizabeth looked so pissed, her face showing signs that she was ready to kill. She stomped her way towards Wade and slapped the hell out of him, while Wade was writhing in pain, confused.

"Ouch! What was that f-"

He looked behind Elizabeth and finally noticed me, Amy, and Heather. His eyes went wide.


"Don't you fucking dare say her name with that disgusting mouth of yours. Don't even touch or think about her, because from now on, you're forbidden from making any contact with her! DO YOU HEAR ME, YOU PIECE OF SHIT?!" Elizabeth screamed. I've talked with her long enough to know how she was a calm and collected type of person, so i assume that this was a first for all of us, but i give my salute to her since she stood up for her best friend in this situation.

"What did i do?!"

A moment after, we saw the blanket on Wade's bed move, and Adeline finally showed herself, sitting up before hugging and kissing Wade's cheek.

"Last night was amazing, babe"

Elizabeth immediately went to the other side of the bed and pulled Adeline's hair, slapping her too. Of course, unlike Wade, Adeline fought back, but i knew that Elizabeth will win. She was already blinded by rage, and Adeline was the reason all of this happened. She was the one who caused Heather so much pain along with Wade, so she deserved every bit of it. Wade didn't even react at this. He was quiet like a statue, staring at Heather without saying anything. He knew he fucked up somehow, but he didn't know what to do or say. He regained his senses a few minutes after, and finally pinned Adeline down on the bed.

"Aw, are you an exhibitionist? I wouldn't mind having sex in front of them" Adeline said. I was purely disgusted with this hoe. It seems she had lost all her humanity. Elizabeth was trying to calm down while standing next to us.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU DONE?!" Wade screamed at Adeline. She only smiled in response, acting dumb.

"You mean, what we have done? We made love, baby, need i say more?"

"That's impossible! I don't remember sleeping with you!"

"But in reality, you did"

I've had enough with this nonsense. Even though i had no business in this, i still feel damn triggered. I finally decided that me and the girls are leaving as soon as possible. I don't care if the others are coming or not, but i'm bringing Heather back home and probably getting her a quick check up in case there's anything that needed to be treated. Amy and Elizabeth agreed, so they immediately packed up. Once they were done, they put their bags in the trunk and went inside the car, giving one last death glare towards Wade and Adeline without saying another word. I asked Stanley to carry Heather to the passenger seat once again and thankfully he did without the extra nagging this time. I was about to head to my car when Wade grabbed my arm, stopping me.

"Olga, listen to me! I didn't sleep with that bitch!"

I turned around and glared at him. I was about to give him a piece of my mind when Adeline showed up, AGAIN.

"Yes, you did"

Wade had enough of her, so he punched Adeline right in the face. She fell down to the ground, looking at Wade in shock with a bloody nose.

"STAY AWAY, YOU SLUT! If you don't, i swear i will hunt you, make your life hell, and then kill you!"

Adeline gulped and nod her head without saying a word before finally running away. I hope this will be the last time for us to deal with her. After that dramatic scene, i decided to head to my car, but Wade blocked me.

"Please, tell me you believe me! I wasn't even naked! I still had my boxers on!"

I sighed and looked at him straight in the eye.

"I don't know you long enough to actually decide whether to trust you or not, but we saw what we saw. Even if it was a set up, you already traumatized Heather over and over. Would you really do that if you truly loved her from the beginning? I only want what's best for Heather, and if it means keeping you as far away as possible from her, then so be it"

Wade just stood there in silence, so i left him and drove off. There was awkward silence during the ride, but how can there not? The suspense was too much. I worriedly look over at Heather from time to time to make sure she was fine, but she was sleeping peacefully even though she hasn't really woken up after fainting. Halfway down the road, Amy told me that she needed to pee, so we made a quick stop at a nearby gas station. Me and Elizabeth stood at the front of my car, doing some stretching while waiting for Amy.

"Thanks for doing this, Olga. We owe you" Elizabeth said.

"Nonsense. We would still head back home today even without this bullshit situation. Besides, Heather's my best friend, so i will look out for her and do what's best"

Elizabeth chuckled before looking out at the distance.

"I've always despised Wade for what he did towards Heather, and honestly, i was against them getting back together, but i also wanted Heather to be happy, so all i could do was hope that nothing bad happens anymore. I know he was low, but i didn't think he would reach this level of lowness" 

"...he told me that he didn't sleep with her"

"Do you believe him?"

"I don't know. Do you?"

"Well...i saw the part where he punched Adeline. I doubt he would go to that extent if he really lied, but at the same time, he has cheated before, so only God knows what he actually did. However, the damage is already done"

After that, Elizabeth told me that Heather was a complete mess during the first break up. She cried nonstop, degrading herself more and more. I also filled her in about the night before, including the screenshots Wade saved that Heather managed to tell me in the morning. It doesn't take a genius to see the anger that was evident on Elizabeth's face. I knew she was fuming, but she decided to calm down and take deep breaths. She may not do anything with this info, but i just knew that her hatred towards Wade grew. I didn't intentionally tell her this so Wade gets more hate, but she was Heather's best friend too. She's the one who's always next to Heather since i went to a different school. She had the rights to know.

"It's fine. It already happened and there's nothing we can do. We can only look over Heather for the time being. At least until she recovers from this. Judging from how she fainted and had panic attacks, i just know this might end up really bad if not handled well" Elizabeth said while sighing.

"Hey, guys! Sorry for the long wait" Amy said. We then went back in and drove all the way home. Don't worry, Heather. I'll protect you.

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