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Olga's POV

"Heather, no!"

Heather fainted again, just like 7 years ago. I looked up, trying to get a clear view on who the man was. It took me a while to realize that it was Wade. He finally showed up after all these years. Surprise much? Why the hell did this person show up out of the blue again? I shifted my attention to Heather. The taxi driver panicked with the scene that just happened, but luckily no one else was around. I immediately carried Heather to the car, asking the driver to take us back home, but Wade barged in to the passenger seat, insisting that he comes with us. It wasn't the time to argue, so i had to let him be as long as we get home as soon as possible. Once we got there, I carried Heather to her room and layed her on the bed. She was breathing normally, but she looked like she was having a little nightmare. I decided to stay with her and hold her hand until she calmed down. After about an hour, she was finally sleeping peacefully, so i turned off the lights and went outside to the living room where Wade was sitting. When he saw me, he immediately stood up and walked closer to Heather's room. I blocked the door with my arm, stopping him from barging in.

"How is she?! Is she fine?!" he asked.

"Yeah, no thanks to you! What the hell were you thinking?! Do you not understand the concept of staying the fuck away?!"

"You try staying away from someone you love for years! The guilt is eating me up inside man!"

"Oh, so this was all about relieving you from guilt and regret? Get the fuck out of my penthouse!"

"No, that's not what i meant! Please hear me out!"

I was already damn tired that i didn't have enough energy to do this petty argument with him so i sighed and sat on the couch. I urged him to sit down and tell me his reasoning and thankfully he did so without any complaints.

"Look, she still haunts my mind until this very day. I can't get over her! I need some kind of closure, and i assumed that she does too, but it seems she moved on since you two are now engaged"

I didn't know whether to tell him the truth or not, but it was Heather's plan, so i thought it was best if she told him herself if she ever wants to. I decided to just let him stay for the night so he could try talking with Heather once she wakes up. I was actually very against this since the chances of it turning haywire was really huge, but Wade was right. They both needed closure in order to fully move on, so i guess it was better to just go with it. Besides, i knew that they have to face each other sooner or later. I went to my room and picked up an extra blanket and pillow, giving them to Wade.

"You can sleep on the couch. If you need to freshen up, use my bathroom. Also, just because i let you stay here overnight, doesn't mean we welcome you into our lives. If she doesn't give consent for you to talk, then you stay away and don't say a friggin word towards her, understand?"

"...yes, thankyou" Wade replied.

"Don't thank me. I'm just doing this out of decency and for Heather. I won't hesitate to kick you out if she asks me to. Oh, and don't you dare step foot into Heather's room"

Wade gave a quiet nod. I then left him to my room, changing my clothes before finally sleeping the night away. I then woke up at 6 AM, quickly cleaning myself up with a cold shower before heading out to the kitchen to make breakfast. Wade was wide awake, just laying there on my couch. His eyes looked really tired, especially with the fact that his eyebags were so visible.

"Good morning, Wade"

"Huh? Oh...morning"

I cooked up some waffles and scrambled eggs after juicing out fresh oranges for the drinks. Once i was done, i put the food on 3 plates, putting them on the dining table. I also poured the orange juice to 3 mugs, one for each of us, including Wade.

"Wade, come and eat"

Wade slowly stood up and sat on the table with me joining him soon after. He was hesitant because he was an unwelcomed guest, and yet he has been given a lot of things that he didn't deserve, but i insisted that it was fine. Despite the things he did, he was still a human with needs. He thanked me before going over his plate. We ate without saying a word, awkward silence between us. 

"So, i noticed your eyebags. Was my couch uncomfortable?"

"No, no! It was very comfortable. I just...I was lost in thought" he mumbled.

"Care to share?"

"...After seeing Heather faint like that in front of my own two eyes, it intensified the feeling of guilt i had. I made her like this, and she still hasn't woken up. How can i sleep in this situation?"

"Does that mean you never sleep?"

"I do, but i usually tire myself with work or just drink a shit ton until i pass out"

I guess he really was suffering all these years. Even though i feel sorry for him, a part of me still despised him, because this situation was something that he brought upon himself. Not only that, he also made someone else take the damage, and it just frustrates me so damn much.

"How long have you stayed together in this penthouse?" Wade asked.



The awkward silence was back, but i decided to just go to Heather's room and check on her in case she woke up. I slowly opened the door and peeked inside. She was still snoring gently. I then went in and stood next to her, holding her hand. That's when i finally felt a movement from her.


Heather's POV

I finally opened my eyes and stretched my body, yawning. I felt a hand so i looked up to see a smiling Olga.

"Good morning, what happened?"

His smile faded away almost instantly. He then kneeled down, still not letting go of my hand.

"...promise me you won't faint anymore"

"What? What's wrong? Don't scare me like that!"

"Please, Heather. Just promise me that you will try to take deep breaths and stay calm"

"Fine, i promise. Now spill"

"Wade is here"

The mention of Wade's name was enough to make me remember the events from last night. The blue masked man that intrigued me was him all along. I can't believe that i actually talked and slowdanced with him. I knew that he felt damn familiar. I should've stayed the fuck away. My heart was beating too fast again, but i promised Olga to stay calm, so i tried as hard as i can.

"...What do you mean he's here?"

"He slept on the couch. Well, kinda since he didn't sleep. He said he wanted to talk to you so he had to wait for you to wake up. But, of course, i will only let him talk if you accept his request. It's entirely up to you. I will kick him out if you're not comfortable with his presence"

The truth was, i was scared. Wade was the guy i deeply loved. Even though he wasn't my first love, i've never loved anyone as much as i loved Wade, and that feeling overwhelmed me. But what he did years before hurt me so bad that i doubt i wanted to forgive him. I wanted to run away from him as much as i can, but i know i can't keep on running. I want to use this moment to finally give him a piece of my mind, to let him know how much damage he has done.

"'s fine. I'll talk with him"

"Are you sure about this..?"

"Yes, but...please don't leave my side"

"Don't worry, i won't. Do you want to eat breakfast first? I'm sure you need energy, right? I'll bring the plate here"

"No need. I just want to get this over with"

Olga gave me a nod and helped me stand up, his hand holding mine. I look at him one last time before finally heading towards the door, opening it to see Wade who was sitting on the dining table. He heard the door creak and looked at my direction. He jumped out of surprise and quickly stood up.



It was finally time for me to confront him once and for all. 

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