Second Love Interest

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I got through the first year of high school, despite all the drama, bullshit, and assholes, and finally started my second year. I really hoped that my classmates would at least be better than my first year because i hate the majority of them so damn much, plus the fact that i will have the same classmates at the final year. (Yes, where i'm from, high school only consists of 3 years, not 4). After a while of adjusting, i was very glad because my wish came true. I mean, assholes are everywhere, but they were still tolerable. I wasn't really 'hunting down' a guy to love because i was afraid of getting hurt again. Despite having that in mind, a guy piqued my interest. I only noticed him after a month or so since he was one of the quiet kids. He pretty much had the same features as Olga, tall, white, wears glasses occasionally. He was a nerd, but a cute one. I didn't really talk with him until the day we got into a group together for an assignment. Since it was our first interaction, it was really awkward both for me and him. He was really gentle, and since i was very pessimistic and self loathing, i tend to say negative things about myself to people even if i just knew them, like saying that i can't do this, i'm not creative, etc. He kept on saying positive stuff and encouraged me until the job was done. Eversince then, i finally remembered his name, Wade Wilson.

I tend to talk and hang out with girls, while Wade with the guys, but when the girls and guys hang out together, we would also join them, so we interacted more. He would tease me every now and then, and we would also joke a little. Not gonna lie, i felt myself having a tiny bit of a crush towards him, but something was bringing me down. I haven't tried nor hoped for anything, but i already sensed desperation, as if it will all be useless. It was like telling myself to avoid him at all cost because the future will be dark. I decided to tell Liz everything. Elizabeth has been my friend since the first day of high school and she was one of the few people i was friends with in my first year. She was my ride or die, my best friend from the start until now. Who says you can't have multiple besties, right?

"Why not give it a go? I mean, you won't know until you try it, bro" she said while munching on her sandwich. I sighed and shook my head.

"i don't know, bro. I'm not against trying again, but the feeling is always there. Don't you think that's weird?"

"Knowing how much of an overthinker you are, i doubt it's anything serious. It's probably the wound you got from you know who"

She had a point there, so i decided to give it a shot. I actually didn't give out much effort. I only tried to befriend him, but there was a time when he said that i was pretty. The old me would be frantic and blush and everything, but my only reaction was a smile and a thankyou. Even his...peculiar (?) smile didn't faze me at all. Time went by and there was an urgent situation that forced him to go to my place for a group assignment. I offered everyone of course, but they all had something else to do first before heading here. I didn't have any weird nor perverted thoughts. I also believed that he was a decent guy that i doubt he would try to do things like rape me, but looking back at it now, it really was ridiculous of me. We were still a girl and a guy, alone, in a small apartment, with a fucking bed.

When we got there, he got to work while i chose to eat and then take a short harmless nap. My part of the job was pretty much done so i had more spare time. If i had to be honest, my guard was pretty much up not because i was alone with a guy, but rather alone with a new friend, so i ended up only laying on my bed while looking at the ceiling. After around an hour, I looked at Wade who seemed really tired. We went to my place immediately after school ended, so we didn't really get any rest. At least he didn't since he worked the moment we arrived at my room.

"Wade, i think you should take a break"

He slouched, his face resting on the table in front of him.

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