twenty seven

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" Shhh you don't want to wake up everyone. Do you?", Manik whispered in ear as his plam quickly covered my mouth. Nandini didn't know but her eyes found their way to his own their accord. Their eyes met, drawn in each other. She felt current run through her whole body as his cold fingers creased her wet hair. Till this date her body reacted to his touches even if she didn't want to.

She blinked once pulling herself out of the stance. She pushed Manik lightly so she could come out of the closed off atmosphere they were in which wasn't doing any good to her but just making her lose in the eyes of the man standing in front of her whose crooked smile had disappeared the moment Nandini created visible distance between them.

** manik's pov **

I was slightly sad about the fact that me being so close to her now wasn't something she liked like earlier times when we both used to carve for each other's touch. Those days seemed to had gone long. But I didn't want to put her in an awkward mood so I quickly masked my displease with a half smile which surely didn't reach my eyes. But hey, I was trying.

" where are you going?", I asked nandini when I found her walking away.

" sleep duh!!", she replied in monotone not even bothering to look back.

" Ermm yeah, good night.", I said while scratching the back of my neck because I felt like an idiot to ask such an obvious question. Common Manik you could have done better then this, I muttered to myself.

" Night Manik. " no words were exchanged after that, the silence covered us as she made her way towards bed and I walked to the couch. But the silence didn't last for long. No it wasn't like one of said something. Nope, we were still quite instead Nandini was looking at me with her eyes wide until she broke into laughter as my stomach growled again.

Yup, the culprit was my stomach.

Could I just bury myself.

My ears turned red as blood rushed there. I was embarrassed. My stomach growled again which just made me clutch it tightly and turn away from Nandani. Felt like stars weren't at my side. I was really hungry because I hadn't eaten anything after that awful breakfast that had me lost my appetite for the rest of the day.

No it wasn't the case that the food was bad, instead it was that phone call with Aryaman that Nandini had. It was bugging me. I didn't know why but the whole idea of Aryaman coming over here was pissing me off. But Nandini looked so happy with it, that was just what made me even more mad.

She looked happy at the mention of his name.

Was she really over me?

I won't beat around the bush. Yes, I was getting jealous. Yes, I was feeling insecure cause I really felt like Aryaman will take her away from me. I wondered if he could even make her forgot that there was a time when she loved.

" Hahahaha Manik, you hungry?" Nandini asked me to which I awkwardly nodded in a yes as I came out of my monologue.

" Where were you that you didn't even eat?" she asked being curious about my whereabouts but how could I tell her went out to kill sometime because well I was jealous and hell pissed but I could talk about it.

" Nothing just...." I trailed off as nothing good of an excuse came in my mind. So I prayed for her to not ask about it anymore.

Thanks to my growling stomach.

Nandini got distracted and laughed again before telling me that she would fetch something from kitchen while I looking down in embarrassment. The day was getting weirder and I just wanted to dig up and hole and jump into. So I wouldn't have to go through it again.

The Bet - [Manan] #Book1 | ✓ Where stories live. Discover now