thirty two

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" Finally it's done." Nandini clasped her hands together in satisfaction.

It was 9PM by the time Nandini and Soha were done with all the decorations at the roof top for Manik's birthday while Aryaman kept pestering him to distract Manik from entering roof top just in case or catching on at the absence of Nandini and Soha as they had sneaked on the roof top to prepare for the surprise that Soha had planned.

Nandini couldn't deny the pang of jealousy she was feeling as Soha looked so excited to celebrate Manik's but still Nandini didn't let it show and also didn't dwell over it anymore. Because Manik wasn't his to begin with and Soha was free to like anyone and besides Soha was just too nice too hate so Nandini just couldn't come to call her names or curse at her which kind of was the worst part. Because it would have been easier if Soha was a bitch but she wasn't.

So Nandini was content over the fact that Soha was a sweet girl yet she felt some kind of unease in her heart like she was letting go of a person whom she wanted to stay. That was the kind of attachment Nandini never for an asshole like him. It was like she was conflicted between hating and holding onto him. Sure she hated Manik yet a tiny bit of heart wanted to believe otherwise. It was like a never ending loop of pushing him away yet carving for him.

Anyway she had been adamant not to fall weak in front of him anymore. Yeah true she wasn't over him but that didn't mean she was ready to forget everything and forgive that jerk for playing with her feelings and making a laughing stock out of her.

" Let's get Manik her now." Nandini was pulled out of wild string of her thoughts when Soha snapped her finger in front of her because she seemed lost. And well she was in cursing at her past self for being so naive or to say dumb.

" Yeah sure." Nandini agreed. Soha asked her to call Aryaman to let him know that they were done and now he could bring Manik now. Frankly Nandini didn't want to stay. She thought of going back to her room as she was done helping Soha but like the sweet girl Soha was she tried to stop Nandini and girl if she was persistent. At the end Nandini didn't have any other choice but to stay and besides she had bought Manik a gift, Opps her boss. So she had to stay to give it to him anyway.

** manik's pov **

I was startled when suddenly my eyes were covered with a blind fold. I threw punches in the air to hit Aryaman because that annoying person was the only one near me so there couldn't be anyone else to do this shitty childish prank. What was he even planning, if he would trying to pull anything funny I was so ready to distort that ugly face of his well I was ready to do that even without that excuse.

" What are you doing?" I yelled at him. I was already pissed at him for following me everywhere I went since he had returned from market. He really was getting on my nerves.

" Shhh just follow me." he said while adjusting and tightening the blind fold a little over my eyes so I couldn't see anything as if it wasn't tight already. And now I was being dragged to god knew where. This guy didn't realize that by doing this he was cutting his life short. Granted I let him take me where ever he was taking me because not being able to see anything made me rely on him so I gave up on protesting.

" You sure you aren't taking me to some woods to kill me and bury my body there. Just so you know jail isn't a nice place." I interjected.

" What no!" I could sense him roll his eyes at that.

" Then what is it? A secret confession? For you information I am not interested in men. " I mocked him, couldn't help but laugh hysterically.

" Will you just shut up! Stop spewing nonsense. " after that none of us said anything and he just continued to drag me in silence. It was creepy to be honest what if he was really planning on murdering me. I just hoped it was not it.

The Bet - [Manan] #Book1 | ✓ Where stories live. Discover now