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Manik got back healthy again. But Nandini couldn't help but notice the way Soha had taken care of him when he had fear. She never forgot to feed him porridge which to be honest Manik hated but Soha was stubborn so nonetheless he always gulped down the tasteless thing or more like he was forced to but anyway it did help him recover quickly.

Still Aryaman was staying in Manik's room and Nandini with Soha. It was night time, both Soha and Nandini were lying on bed but both of them wide awake staring at the ceiling as if it was something very fascinating. It seemed like it was still too early for them to sleep as there was no hint of sleep in their eyes.

But both of them were quite neither of them uttering a word and silence settling in. It was getting awkward so both of them picked up their mobiles to pass some time as they were bored with that so - called - fascinating ceiling. Surfing internet was a way better option then doing nothing but staring at a rotating fan, wasn't it.

** nandini's pov **

" Manik's birthday." Soha said, staring at her screen precisely at the date while I whispered the same words under my breath but it wasn't audible to anyone but me. Of course I knew. How could I forget his birthday. I never did. Though I had been a forgetful person specifically whenever it came to birthdays I didn't seem to remember them even though she tried many time lastly to gave up at the end. Except a few and unfortunately Manik was one of them.

" Nandini will you help me?" Soha looked at me with those hopeful eyes that even though I got jealous of her at times but still I couldn't come to hate her because she was so nice and sweet.

" Yeah sure. What am I supposed to do?" I had idea that she was talking about help in birthday preparation but how could I be of any help. Clumsy person like me will only make it hard for her.

" I need you to buy things tomorrow morning. Don't worry about Manik I will keep him busy so he won't get suspicious. I would have gone to buy those things instead of disturbing you but you know tomorrow we have a function so I need to stay with my brother. " Soha made a pout as she felt bad for burdening me.

" Oh its alright I needed to go out anyway to buy things for wedding after two days. "frankly I was just waiting for this wedding to come to an end so I could just stay away from manik because it was really hard to do so when we were staying at the same place for 24/7 though I knew I was his secretary but at least that would be just at office so it will be a little easier to avoid him.

" Oh thank you Nandani." Soha screamed in excitement and raised her hand in the air for a hifi to which I smiled, Soha was indeed a ball of engery.

" You seem to care about him a lot." words rolled out of my mouth before I could stop myself. I felt like burying myself, why I always needed go be this impulsive. My emotions all got the best of me.

" Of course I do. After all he is special for me." Soha told me and there was this shine in her eyes as she talked about him.

" Do you love him?" again, now at this point I just wanted to die. Why did I even open my mouth. But it was already late the damage was done. Now Soha was looking at me.

" Yeah I love him." I felt a pang of jealousy, though I didn't want to but I still did get jealous and I felt like a bitch at the moment for getting jealous over a person who wasn't mine anymore to begin with. Well harsh reality he was never mine that fucking bastard was always just pretending to win a stupid bet. But still I felt hurt and the worst part was that I couldn't even hate Soha was that, she was way too nice for that.

" Ohh..." was all I could utter in my chocked out voice. And my luck she was too observed in may be her strings of thoughts may be recalling the times she had spent with Manik, all and all she didn't notice my pathetic self.

The Bet - [Manan] #Book1 | ✓ Where stories live. Discover now