Tattoos and Secrets

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Harry knocked on Louis' door even though he had a key- Lou opened after the first knock. "Oh my God," Louis exclaimed when he saw Harry.

Harry tugged at the hem of his shirt a little, nervous that Lou would be mad, but he pulled Harry into a tight hug.

"I don't mind if you need your space," Lou said, still holding Harry, "Just don't leave without telling me what's wrong, I was so worried."  

"Okay," Harry said, relaxing into the hug a little more. 

Louis pulled away, and looked at Harry with some emotion that he couldn't read- and he was usually good at reading Lou. 

"Can you just come cuddle with me?" Lou asked. 

"You're not mad at me?" Harry asked, following Lou into the living room area. The hotels they stayed at always felt more like apartments than hotels, they were never just a bed and a bathroom. This one had a living room area with a huge tv, a decent sized kitchen, a big bathtub with massage jets, and even a second tv in the bathroom. 

"Of course not," Louis said. Harry sat down on the couch and Louis was about to join him, but he heard a knock at the door, and got up to answer it. 

Harry watched him as he walked toward the door, and he caught himself biting his lip a little. Harry always found himself falling more for Lou every time they went on tour... On the Road Again... Where we Are... the Take me Home tour was brutal- Harry felt like he was going to have a heart attack if he spent any more time with Louis. Whenever they went on tour, all the guys bonded, but Lou and Harry especially. 

It was impossible to get over Louis when he kept getting closer. 

It made it worse that Lou was growing up so well. Harry had thought he was gorgeous back when he was eighteen- it was like he couldn't tear his eyes away he was so worried of missing a second of time where he could be looking at Lou. But Harry had gotten better at not staring over the years- he knew people had started talking, and he didn't want Louis to realize that he'd had feelings for him. At least he was getting better at it until now. 

He didn't know when it had happened exactly, but gradually in the past little while Louis had gone from cute and attractive to drop dead sexy. Maybe it was when Lou got the 'It is what it is' chest tattoo or maybe it was when he started making his hair look a little messier, but to Harry it just felt like one day he fell asleep to a sweet and cute Lou who he was starting to get used to seeing as (mostly) a friend, and the next morning he woke up to a dangerous mysterious Lou who Harry thought about in a million ways, none of which involved friendship. Although he'd never admit it, seeing Lou with all of his tattoos and a sleeveless band t-shirt drove him crazy, and Harry spent a bit too much time daydreaming of what Lou would look like with just a smudge of black eyeliner and a lip piercing.

He'd spent years working on seeing Lou as a friend, and now he was just back to the beginning again.

Harry hugged a throw pillow to his chest, and Lou returned with a pizza. 

Louis set the pizza down on the coffee table. "I'm sorry," he said, "I know this is bad timing, I didn't know when you' be back when I ordered it." 

Harry started laughing, "So when you burst open the door on my first knock, you were really just excited for your pizza?" 

Louis started laughing too, and soon the two of the were laughing so hard Hary's abs hurt. 

When Louis finially calmed down, he took a slice of pizza out of the box. "Is it okay if I-?" 

Harry took a slice of pizza and started eating. 

Louis raised an eyebrow, but relaxed onto the couch, and turned on the tv. 


Louis looked over at Harry, he was on his third piece of pizza, and he was laughing, his eyes glued to the tv. 

Lou felt his phone buzz, and he pulled it out of his pocket to read the text. It was from Liam. 

Harry's been binge eating today, let him keep eating as much as he wants- he needs it- but make sure he keeps it down, okay?

Louis looked over at Harry, who seemed perfectly fine. His phone buzzed with another text from Liam.

And if he tells you anything personal, make sure you're supportive, he's going through something he hasn't told you yet. But don't try and get it out of him, just let him do it on his own time. 

Louis texted Liam back: Liam! Tell me- I want to be supportive!

Louis let out a frustrated sigh when Liam texted back that he couldn't tell him.

"Haz?" he asked.

"Yeah, Boo?" Harry asked, not taking his eyes off the screen.

"Is there anything you want to talk to me about, or...?"

"Nope," Harry replied, barely listening.

Louis sighed, and leaned back into the couch, trying to enjoy the movie. 

Toward the end of the movie, Harry fell asleep. He was curled up on the couch, next to the empty pizza box. Louis moved the box onto the table, and smoothed Harry's hair away from his face, gently laying down next to Harry, trying not to wake him up. 


Harry woke up disoriented, confused at why he was on the couch- did he fall asleep during the movie? The room was almost pitch black if it weren't for the dim light that was coming from the bathroom light they'd forgotten to turn off. It must be the middle of the night. 

Harry reached for his phone to check the time, but when he looked to the coffee table he just saw the pizza box. 

The empty pizza box. 

He clutched his stomach and ran for the bathroom. 

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