Shots and Dares

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Louis heard Harry rolling around his bed, and nearly screamed when he saw Harry pop his head out of his bunk and look down at Louis, his curls hanging down around his face. 

"Jesus Christ," Louis muttered, his hand clutching his chest. "What's wrong with you, Harold?" 

"I can't sleep," Harry whispered. They were all stuck on the bus for the night as they headed to the next venue, and Harry always had an impossible time sleeping in the bunks. 

"I gathered that much," Louis said, shaking his head, his heart still racing from Harry's suprise pop up appearance. 

"Come up to my bunk," Harry said, "I'm bored." 

Louis sighed, but carefully climbed up into Harry's bunk.

Harry's lips crashed into Louis' as soon as he was in the bunk with him. He ran his hands up and down Louis' bare chest, and pulled him closer by his waist. The mattress groaned a bit under their combined weight. 

"You are insane," Lou hissed into Harry's ear. "We're gonna wake everyone up." 

"No we won't," Harry murmured, tugging at Lou's sweatpants "we'll be quiet." 

"Babe," Louis whispered, "you don't know how to be quiet." 

Harry laughed softly, and Lou set to work pinning Harry between him and the mattress. 

"Mmm," Harry murmured quietly. He gasped and whimpered a little when Lou's hands wound around his wrists. 

"Why do you like that so much, Haz?" he asked. "Do you have some sort of fetish for being tied up or something?" Louis laughed a little. 

Even in the dim light, Lou swore he could see Harry blush. "Ummm," he started, "that's an interesting question." 

Louis waited for Harry to answer. 

He didn't. 

"Wait," Louis whispered, "Do you seriously?" 

"No?" Harry said, biting his lower lip a little. 

"Fuck," Louis murmured, "You don't want to know the things I'd do to you if your pretty little hands were tied to the bed." He ran his hands across Harry's hips. 

Harry moaned a bit too loudly and they froze. They could hear someone coughing- Niall? Was Niall up?

"I should get back to my bunk," Louis whispered. 

"But Lou, I can't sleep." Harry whined. "Can I at least have my phone back?" 

 "Mmm, no" Louis said.  "How about you don't look at that?" Louis said, . 

"But, Lou, I haven't been on Twitter in a week- I'm going crazy," Harry complained. "What are people saying about me?" 

"All nice things," Louis said, kissing Harry on the forehead and slipping quietly back down to his bunk. 

"Lewis," Harry hissed. "It's been a week, give me my phone back." 

"Goodnight, Harold." 

"I hate you," Harry muttered. 

Louis laughed and drifted off to sleep. 


"Happy St. Paddy's Day!" Niall said, whipping open the curtain to Harry's bunk. 

"Mmmm no it's not," Harry moaned, throwing a pillow over his face to block out the light. "It's not a happy day when I don't get to sleep in." 

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